
Showing posts from April 25, 2019

Magento2 - add sales order custom attribute in checkout with validation in shipping section

Multiple fireplaces in an apartment building? Co-worker works way more than he should Can I criticise the more senior developers around me for not writing clean code? Why didn't the Space Shuttle bounce back into space as many times as possible so as to lose a lot of kinetic energy up there? My bank got bought out, am I now going to have to start filing tax returns in a different state? Work requires me to come in early to start computer but wont let me clock in to get paid for it Critique of timeline aesthetic What is this word supposed to be? "My boss was furious with me and I have been fired" vs. "My boss was furious with me and I was fired"

许友 生平 参考文献 注释 导航菜单

1620年出生1663年逝世明朝畫家明朝書法家明朝詩人清朝画家清朝書法家清朝詩人许姓福州人 侯官福州市许豸崇祯孝廉诸生钱谦益王士禛朱彝尊清史列传许遇顾景星周亮工顺治 许友 (约1620年-1663年,其生卒年说法各异 [1] ),福建侯官(今福州市)人。 生平 原名 寀 ,曾名 宰 。父许豸,因闽音宰与豸同,有忌者称许友改名宰犯家讳,以不孝责之,遂更名友,字有介,又更名为眉,字介寿、介眉,号瓯香。明崇祯间举孝廉,以诸生终,入清不仕。许友工书善画,诗尤孤旷。钱谦益尝录其诗于《吾炙集》中。王士禛、朱彝尊亦称赏之。著有《米友堂诗集》,《清史列传》行于世。其父许豸、其子许遇亦擅诗书画。 许友资性颖异,疏旷不羁,自命晋人。日娱山水,与僧仆为友。精于草书,善画枯木竹石,诗尤孤旷高迥,时有“三绝”之誉。许友早年家境宽裕,生活奢靡。顾景星《白茅堂集·许有介诗集序》云:“崇祯时,闽以僻境宴安,风俗华侈。有介家给既足,娈童舞女,诗酒谈讌,无虚日。任侠结纳,轻视一切。……长不满六尺,肥白如匏,谈笑风发,酒酣操楮,笔墨饱腾。或为诗词,或画枯木竹石,奕奕有致,比之襄阳、眉山 [2] 。顾胸中常郁促不平,若圈鹿絷鹤,怦怦怫怫不乐生者,则不善世故也。然而风流自胜。”周亮工《书许有介自用印章后》中描写道:“君大腹,无一茎须,望之类乳媪,面横而肥,不似文人。……君既负盛名,闽士多造之,恒不报谒,亦不省来者为谁。以故,人多憾之。即与君暱者,亦退多后言。君但自放于酒,一切弗问也。” 入清后,许友大隐隐于市,愈发孤高,心无牵挂,时常游山水,访旧友,组诗社,作书画,怡情养性,不问世事。从父亲许豸那继承来的石林别墅,在明末毁于战火,经许友精心修整,增置亭台,又恢复生机。许友在园中标明诸名胜,大书刻于石壁,还写了《石林自记》,并以松涛阵阵而易名为“涛园”。又建“箬茧室”,长丈余,读书其中,并作《箬茧读书图》,题诗记其事。于园中栽种松竹梅菊等,邀诗友社集其中,吟诗作赋,留下了许多吟咏山林之作。 清顺治五年(1648年),许友与时任福建按察使的周亮工订交,常于米友堂内谈诗论画,交情甚笃。周亮工有诗《与有介》:“戊子之夏相与友,至今郁郁未成还。乱里真难此一日,人生能得几十年。江南移家欲更去,茅屋分人懒自全。老夫终亦欲归尔,恋君酒美不须钱。”又有“疏狂独爱许瓯香”句,可见赏爱之深。清顺

How to get Category Id of current product?Category listing page shows fatal errorMagento 1.9.1: Fatal error:...

"My boss was furious with me and I have been fired" vs. "My boss was furious with me and I was fired" How much of a wave function must reside inside event horizon for it to be consumed by the black hole? What is the unit of time_lock_delta in LND? How do I produce this Greek letter koppa: Ϟ in pdfLaTeX? Why do distances seem to matter in the Foundation world? Why did C use the -> operator instead of reusing the . operator? A strange hotel Zonal Statistics is returning null values in ArcGIS My bank got bought out, am I now going to have to start filing tax returns in a different state? As an international instr