ECG compliance: How to do?How to write a custom extension?How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when...
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Why did the Germans forbid the possession of pet pigeons in Rostov-on-Don in 1941?
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Why do UK politicians seemingly ignore opinion polls on Brexit?
ECG compliance: How to do?
How to write a custom extension?How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when rewriting resource modelsHow to check if a collection has items?Magento 1: Performance optimizations to delete entitiesWhat is faster - getting raw attribute value or use collection?Find MIN & MAX value of product attribute in a large categoryHow to fix 'getFirstItem does not limit the result of collection load to one item` warning?Magento 1.9 module oddly breaking when changing resource folder from Mysql4 to ResourceHow to write a custom extension?Why are so many PHP functions disallowed in the Magento ECG Coding Standard?Magento ECG discourage $_FILES superglobalUnable to add magento-ecg/coding-standard to PHP_CodeSniffer:Magento 2: what's the status of M2 regarding PSR compliance?How could I create magento 2 code sniffs ruleset.xml or does someone have it?How to access $_FILES in magentos way?How to modify delete method using objectManagerMagento 2 : How to write a custom extension?PCI Compliance Scanning Tool For Any Version Of Magento Site
.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;
There is something like a coding standard
for Magento 1, called ECG
where numerous things should be avoided or methods that should not be used.
Let's try to create a list that covers all cases that are throwing "errors" or "warning" in your code.
Below you'll find a list with all possible warnings. I'll update this post at regular intervals and link to given and upvoted answers.
Note: please try to avoid duplicate answers ;)
ECG Sniffs
Mysql4 classes are obsolete.
- How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when rewriting resource models
- Magento 1.9 module oddly breaking when changing resource folder from Mysql4 to Resource
Object Instantiation
Direct object instantiation (class %s) is discouraged in Magento.
protected $disallowedClassPrefixes = array(
Use of goto is discouraged.
Namespace for "'.$exceptionClassName.'" class is not specified.
Private Class Member
Private class member detected.
Private class member detected.
Collection Count
Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
- How to check if a collection has items?
fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
- GetFirstItem -
Array size calculation function %s detected in loop
Model LSD method %s detected in loop
Data load %s method detected in loop
protected $countFunctions = array(
protected $modelLsdMethods = array(
- load
- Find MIN & MAX value of product attribute in a large category
- ...
Missing the %s() ACL method in the %s class.
const PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action';
const REQUIRED_ACL_METHOD_NAME = '_isAllowed';
Discouraged Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^is_dir' => null,
'^is_file$' => null,
'^pathinfo$' => null,
Forbidden Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^assert$' => null,
'^bind_textdomain_codeset$' => null,
'^bindtextdomain$' => null,
'^bz.*$' => null,
'^call_user_func$' => null,
'^call_user_func_array$' => null,
'^chdir$' => null,
'^chgrp$' => null,
'^chmod$' => null,
'^chown$' => null,
'^chroot$' => null,
'^com_load_typelib$' => null,
'^copy$' => null,
'^create_function$' => null,
'^curl_.*$' => null,
'^cyrus_connect$' => null,
'^dba_.*$' => null,
'^dbase_.*$' => null,
'^dbx_.*$' => null,
'^dcgettext$' => null,
'^dcngettext$' => null,
'^dgettext$' => null,
'^dio_.*$' => null,
'^dirname$' => null,
'^dngettext$' => null,
'^domxml_.*$' => null,
'^exec$' => null,
'^fbsql_.*$' => null,
'^fdf_add_doc_javascript$' => null,
'^fdf_open$' => null,
'^fopen$' => null,
'^fsockopen$' => null,
'^ftp_.*$' => null,
'^fwrite$' => null,
'^gettext$' => null,
'^gz.*$' => null,
'^header$' => null,
'^highlight_file$' => null,
'^ibase_.*$' => null,
'^id3_set_tag$' => null,
'^ifx_.*$' => null,
'^image.*$' => null,
'^imap_.*$' => null,
'^ingres_.*$' => null,
'^ircg_.*$' => null,
'^ldap_.*$' => null,
'^link$' => null,
'^mail$' => null,
'^mb_send_mail$' => null,
'^mkdir$' => null,
'^move_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^msession_.*$' => null,
'^msg_send$' => null,
'^msql$' => null,
'^msql_.*$' => null,
'^mssql_.*$' => null,
'^mysql_.*$' => null,
'^odbc_.*$' => null,
'^opendir$' => null,
'^openlog$' => null,
'^ora_.*$' => null,
'^ovrimos_.*$' => null,
'^parse_ini_file$' => null,
'^parse_str$' => null,
'^parse_url$' => null,
'^parsekit_compile_string$' => null,
'^passthru$' => null,
'^pcntl_.*$' => null,
'^posix_.*$' => null,
'^pfpro_.*$' => null,
'^pfsockopen$' => null,
'^pg_.*$' => null,
'^php_check_syntax$' => null,
'^popen$' => null,
'^print_r$' => null,
'^printf$' => null,
'^proc_open$' => null,
'^putenv$' => null,
'^readfile$' => null,
'^readgzfile$' => null,
'^readline$' => null,
'^readlink$' => null,
'^register_shutdown_function$' => null,
'^register_tick_function$' => null,
'^rename$' => null,
'^rmdir$' => null,
'^scandir$' => null,
'^session_.*$' => null,
'^set_include_path$' => null,
'^set_ini$' => null,
'^set_time_limit$' => null,
'^setcookie$' => null,
'^setlocale$' => null,
'^setrawcookie$' => null,
'^shell_exec$' => null,
'^sleep$' => null,
'^socket_.*$' => null,
'^stream_.*$' => null,
'^sybase_.*$' => null,
'^symlink$' => null,
'^syslog$' => null,
'^system$' => null,
'^touch$' => null,
'^trigger_error$' => null,
'^unlink$' => null,
'^vprintf$' => null,
'^mysqli.*$' => null,
'^oci_connect$' => null,
'^oci_pconnect$' => null,
'^quotemeta$' => null,
'^sqlite_popen$' => null,
'^time_nanosleep$' => null,
'^base64_decode$' => null,
'^base_convert$' => null,
'^basename$' => null,
'^chr$' => null,
'^convert_cyr_string$' => null,
'^dba_nextkey$' => null,
'^dns_get_record$' => null,
'^extract$' => null,
'^fdf_.*$' => null,
'^fget.*$' => null,
'^fread$' => null,
'^fflush$' => null,
'^get_browser$' => null,
'^get_headers$' => null,
'^get_meta_tags$' => null,
'^getallheaders$' => null,
'^getenv$' => null,
'^getopt$' => null,
'^headers_list$' => null,
'^hebrev$' => null,
'^hebrevc$' => null,
'^highlight_string$' => null,
'^html_entity_decode$' => null,
'^ibase_blob_import$' => null,
'^id3_get_tag$' => null,
'^import_request_variables$' => null,
'^ircg_nickname_unescape$' => null,
'^ldap_get_values$' => null,
'^mb_decode_mimeheader$' => null,
'^mb_parse_str$' => null,
'^mcrypt_decrypt$' => null,
'^mdecrypt_generic$' => null,
'^msg_receive$' => null,
'^ngettext$' => null,
'^ob_get_contents$' => null,
'^ob_get_flush$' => null,
'^rawurldecode$' => null,
'^shm_get_var$' => null,
'^stripcslashes$' => null,
'^stripslashes$' => null,
'^token_get_all$' => null,
'^unpack$' => null,
'^convert_uudecode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode_headers$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_encode$' => null,
'^iconv_set_encoding$' => null,
'^php_strip_whitespace$' => null,
'^addcslashes$' => null,
'^addslashes$' => null,
'^escapeshellarg$' => null,
'^escapeshellcmd$' => null,
'^gettype$' => null,
'^var_dump$' => null,
'^tempnam$' => null,
'^realpath$' => null,
'^linkinfo$' => null,
'^lstat$' => null,
'^stat$' => null,
'^lchgrp$' => null,
'^lchown$' => null,
'^show_source$' => null,
'^is_executable$' => null,
'^is_link$' => null,
'^is_readable$' => null,
'^is_writable$' => null,
'^is_writeable$' => null,
'^is_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^glob$' => null,
'^ssh2_.*$' => null,
'^delete$' => null,
'^file.*$' => null,
- ...
- curl_: -
- file_exists -
- ...
Include File
"%s" statement detected. File manipulations are discouraged.
... Statement is not a function, no parentheses are required.
... Passing urls is forbidden.
... Concatenating is forbidden.
... Variables inside are insecure.
public $urlPattern = '#(https?|ftp)://.*#i';
Language Construct
Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
Use of %s language construct is discouraged.
return array(
Direct use of %s Superglobal detected.
public $superGlobalErrors = array(
public $superGlobalWarning = array(
Raw Query
Possible raw SQL statement %s detected
public $statements = array(
public $queryFunctions = array(
Slow Query
Possible slow SQL statement %s detected
Possible slow SQL method %s detected
public $adapterMethods = array(
public $rawStatements = array(
Possible executable regular expression in %s. Make sure that the pattern doesn't contain "e" modifier
public $functions = array(
String Concat
Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected
String Position
Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function
public $functions = array(
Related questions & answers for best-practice
- What is faster - getting raw attribute value or use collection?
- Magento 1: Performance optimizations to delete entities
magento-1 best-practice coding-standards magento-ecg
show 2 more comments
There is something like a coding standard
for Magento 1, called ECG
where numerous things should be avoided or methods that should not be used.
Let's try to create a list that covers all cases that are throwing "errors" or "warning" in your code.
Below you'll find a list with all possible warnings. I'll update this post at regular intervals and link to given and upvoted answers.
Note: please try to avoid duplicate answers ;)
ECG Sniffs
Mysql4 classes are obsolete.
- How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when rewriting resource models
- Magento 1.9 module oddly breaking when changing resource folder from Mysql4 to Resource
Object Instantiation
Direct object instantiation (class %s) is discouraged in Magento.
protected $disallowedClassPrefixes = array(
Use of goto is discouraged.
Namespace for "'.$exceptionClassName.'" class is not specified.
Private Class Member
Private class member detected.
Private class member detected.
Collection Count
Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
- How to check if a collection has items?
fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
- GetFirstItem -
Array size calculation function %s detected in loop
Model LSD method %s detected in loop
Data load %s method detected in loop
protected $countFunctions = array(
protected $modelLsdMethods = array(
- load
- Find MIN & MAX value of product attribute in a large category
- ...
Missing the %s() ACL method in the %s class.
const PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action';
const REQUIRED_ACL_METHOD_NAME = '_isAllowed';
Discouraged Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^is_dir' => null,
'^is_file$' => null,
'^pathinfo$' => null,
Forbidden Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^assert$' => null,
'^bind_textdomain_codeset$' => null,
'^bindtextdomain$' => null,
'^bz.*$' => null,
'^call_user_func$' => null,
'^call_user_func_array$' => null,
'^chdir$' => null,
'^chgrp$' => null,
'^chmod$' => null,
'^chown$' => null,
'^chroot$' => null,
'^com_load_typelib$' => null,
'^copy$' => null,
'^create_function$' => null,
'^curl_.*$' => null,
'^cyrus_connect$' => null,
'^dba_.*$' => null,
'^dbase_.*$' => null,
'^dbx_.*$' => null,
'^dcgettext$' => null,
'^dcngettext$' => null,
'^dgettext$' => null,
'^dio_.*$' => null,
'^dirname$' => null,
'^dngettext$' => null,
'^domxml_.*$' => null,
'^exec$' => null,
'^fbsql_.*$' => null,
'^fdf_add_doc_javascript$' => null,
'^fdf_open$' => null,
'^fopen$' => null,
'^fsockopen$' => null,
'^ftp_.*$' => null,
'^fwrite$' => null,
'^gettext$' => null,
'^gz.*$' => null,
'^header$' => null,
'^highlight_file$' => null,
'^ibase_.*$' => null,
'^id3_set_tag$' => null,
'^ifx_.*$' => null,
'^image.*$' => null,
'^imap_.*$' => null,
'^ingres_.*$' => null,
'^ircg_.*$' => null,
'^ldap_.*$' => null,
'^link$' => null,
'^mail$' => null,
'^mb_send_mail$' => null,
'^mkdir$' => null,
'^move_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^msession_.*$' => null,
'^msg_send$' => null,
'^msql$' => null,
'^msql_.*$' => null,
'^mssql_.*$' => null,
'^mysql_.*$' => null,
'^odbc_.*$' => null,
'^opendir$' => null,
'^openlog$' => null,
'^ora_.*$' => null,
'^ovrimos_.*$' => null,
'^parse_ini_file$' => null,
'^parse_str$' => null,
'^parse_url$' => null,
'^parsekit_compile_string$' => null,
'^passthru$' => null,
'^pcntl_.*$' => null,
'^posix_.*$' => null,
'^pfpro_.*$' => null,
'^pfsockopen$' => null,
'^pg_.*$' => null,
'^php_check_syntax$' => null,
'^popen$' => null,
'^print_r$' => null,
'^printf$' => null,
'^proc_open$' => null,
'^putenv$' => null,
'^readfile$' => null,
'^readgzfile$' => null,
'^readline$' => null,
'^readlink$' => null,
'^register_shutdown_function$' => null,
'^register_tick_function$' => null,
'^rename$' => null,
'^rmdir$' => null,
'^scandir$' => null,
'^session_.*$' => null,
'^set_include_path$' => null,
'^set_ini$' => null,
'^set_time_limit$' => null,
'^setcookie$' => null,
'^setlocale$' => null,
'^setrawcookie$' => null,
'^shell_exec$' => null,
'^sleep$' => null,
'^socket_.*$' => null,
'^stream_.*$' => null,
'^sybase_.*$' => null,
'^symlink$' => null,
'^syslog$' => null,
'^system$' => null,
'^touch$' => null,
'^trigger_error$' => null,
'^unlink$' => null,
'^vprintf$' => null,
'^mysqli.*$' => null,
'^oci_connect$' => null,
'^oci_pconnect$' => null,
'^quotemeta$' => null,
'^sqlite_popen$' => null,
'^time_nanosleep$' => null,
'^base64_decode$' => null,
'^base_convert$' => null,
'^basename$' => null,
'^chr$' => null,
'^convert_cyr_string$' => null,
'^dba_nextkey$' => null,
'^dns_get_record$' => null,
'^extract$' => null,
'^fdf_.*$' => null,
'^fget.*$' => null,
'^fread$' => null,
'^fflush$' => null,
'^get_browser$' => null,
'^get_headers$' => null,
'^get_meta_tags$' => null,
'^getallheaders$' => null,
'^getenv$' => null,
'^getopt$' => null,
'^headers_list$' => null,
'^hebrev$' => null,
'^hebrevc$' => null,
'^highlight_string$' => null,
'^html_entity_decode$' => null,
'^ibase_blob_import$' => null,
'^id3_get_tag$' => null,
'^import_request_variables$' => null,
'^ircg_nickname_unescape$' => null,
'^ldap_get_values$' => null,
'^mb_decode_mimeheader$' => null,
'^mb_parse_str$' => null,
'^mcrypt_decrypt$' => null,
'^mdecrypt_generic$' => null,
'^msg_receive$' => null,
'^ngettext$' => null,
'^ob_get_contents$' => null,
'^ob_get_flush$' => null,
'^rawurldecode$' => null,
'^shm_get_var$' => null,
'^stripcslashes$' => null,
'^stripslashes$' => null,
'^token_get_all$' => null,
'^unpack$' => null,
'^convert_uudecode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode_headers$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_encode$' => null,
'^iconv_set_encoding$' => null,
'^php_strip_whitespace$' => null,
'^addcslashes$' => null,
'^addslashes$' => null,
'^escapeshellarg$' => null,
'^escapeshellcmd$' => null,
'^gettype$' => null,
'^var_dump$' => null,
'^tempnam$' => null,
'^realpath$' => null,
'^linkinfo$' => null,
'^lstat$' => null,
'^stat$' => null,
'^lchgrp$' => null,
'^lchown$' => null,
'^show_source$' => null,
'^is_executable$' => null,
'^is_link$' => null,
'^is_readable$' => null,
'^is_writable$' => null,
'^is_writeable$' => null,
'^is_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^glob$' => null,
'^ssh2_.*$' => null,
'^delete$' => null,
'^file.*$' => null,
- ...
- curl_: -
- file_exists -
- ...
Include File
"%s" statement detected. File manipulations are discouraged.
... Statement is not a function, no parentheses are required.
... Passing urls is forbidden.
... Concatenating is forbidden.
... Variables inside are insecure.
public $urlPattern = '#(https?|ftp)://.*#i';
Language Construct
Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
Use of %s language construct is discouraged.
return array(
Direct use of %s Superglobal detected.
public $superGlobalErrors = array(
public $superGlobalWarning = array(
Raw Query
Possible raw SQL statement %s detected
public $statements = array(
public $queryFunctions = array(
Slow Query
Possible slow SQL statement %s detected
Possible slow SQL method %s detected
public $adapterMethods = array(
public $rawStatements = array(
Possible executable regular expression in %s. Make sure that the pattern doesn't contain "e" modifier
public $functions = array(
String Concat
Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected
String Position
Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function
public $functions = array(
Related questions & answers for best-practice
- What is faster - getting raw attribute value or use collection?
- Magento 1: Performance optimizations to delete entities
magento-1 best-practice coding-standards magento-ecg
LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26
show 2 more comments
There is something like a coding standard
for Magento 1, called ECG
where numerous things should be avoided or methods that should not be used.
Let's try to create a list that covers all cases that are throwing "errors" or "warning" in your code.
Below you'll find a list with all possible warnings. I'll update this post at regular intervals and link to given and upvoted answers.
Note: please try to avoid duplicate answers ;)
ECG Sniffs
Mysql4 classes are obsolete.
- How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when rewriting resource models
- Magento 1.9 module oddly breaking when changing resource folder from Mysql4 to Resource
Object Instantiation
Direct object instantiation (class %s) is discouraged in Magento.
protected $disallowedClassPrefixes = array(
Use of goto is discouraged.
Namespace for "'.$exceptionClassName.'" class is not specified.
Private Class Member
Private class member detected.
Private class member detected.
Collection Count
Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
- How to check if a collection has items?
fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
- GetFirstItem -
Array size calculation function %s detected in loop
Model LSD method %s detected in loop
Data load %s method detected in loop
protected $countFunctions = array(
protected $modelLsdMethods = array(
- load
- Find MIN & MAX value of product attribute in a large category
- ...
Missing the %s() ACL method in the %s class.
const PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action';
const REQUIRED_ACL_METHOD_NAME = '_isAllowed';
Discouraged Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^is_dir' => null,
'^is_file$' => null,
'^pathinfo$' => null,
Forbidden Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^assert$' => null,
'^bind_textdomain_codeset$' => null,
'^bindtextdomain$' => null,
'^bz.*$' => null,
'^call_user_func$' => null,
'^call_user_func_array$' => null,
'^chdir$' => null,
'^chgrp$' => null,
'^chmod$' => null,
'^chown$' => null,
'^chroot$' => null,
'^com_load_typelib$' => null,
'^copy$' => null,
'^create_function$' => null,
'^curl_.*$' => null,
'^cyrus_connect$' => null,
'^dba_.*$' => null,
'^dbase_.*$' => null,
'^dbx_.*$' => null,
'^dcgettext$' => null,
'^dcngettext$' => null,
'^dgettext$' => null,
'^dio_.*$' => null,
'^dirname$' => null,
'^dngettext$' => null,
'^domxml_.*$' => null,
'^exec$' => null,
'^fbsql_.*$' => null,
'^fdf_add_doc_javascript$' => null,
'^fdf_open$' => null,
'^fopen$' => null,
'^fsockopen$' => null,
'^ftp_.*$' => null,
'^fwrite$' => null,
'^gettext$' => null,
'^gz.*$' => null,
'^header$' => null,
'^highlight_file$' => null,
'^ibase_.*$' => null,
'^id3_set_tag$' => null,
'^ifx_.*$' => null,
'^image.*$' => null,
'^imap_.*$' => null,
'^ingres_.*$' => null,
'^ircg_.*$' => null,
'^ldap_.*$' => null,
'^link$' => null,
'^mail$' => null,
'^mb_send_mail$' => null,
'^mkdir$' => null,
'^move_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^msession_.*$' => null,
'^msg_send$' => null,
'^msql$' => null,
'^msql_.*$' => null,
'^mssql_.*$' => null,
'^mysql_.*$' => null,
'^odbc_.*$' => null,
'^opendir$' => null,
'^openlog$' => null,
'^ora_.*$' => null,
'^ovrimos_.*$' => null,
'^parse_ini_file$' => null,
'^parse_str$' => null,
'^parse_url$' => null,
'^parsekit_compile_string$' => null,
'^passthru$' => null,
'^pcntl_.*$' => null,
'^posix_.*$' => null,
'^pfpro_.*$' => null,
'^pfsockopen$' => null,
'^pg_.*$' => null,
'^php_check_syntax$' => null,
'^popen$' => null,
'^print_r$' => null,
'^printf$' => null,
'^proc_open$' => null,
'^putenv$' => null,
'^readfile$' => null,
'^readgzfile$' => null,
'^readline$' => null,
'^readlink$' => null,
'^register_shutdown_function$' => null,
'^register_tick_function$' => null,
'^rename$' => null,
'^rmdir$' => null,
'^scandir$' => null,
'^session_.*$' => null,
'^set_include_path$' => null,
'^set_ini$' => null,
'^set_time_limit$' => null,
'^setcookie$' => null,
'^setlocale$' => null,
'^setrawcookie$' => null,
'^shell_exec$' => null,
'^sleep$' => null,
'^socket_.*$' => null,
'^stream_.*$' => null,
'^sybase_.*$' => null,
'^symlink$' => null,
'^syslog$' => null,
'^system$' => null,
'^touch$' => null,
'^trigger_error$' => null,
'^unlink$' => null,
'^vprintf$' => null,
'^mysqli.*$' => null,
'^oci_connect$' => null,
'^oci_pconnect$' => null,
'^quotemeta$' => null,
'^sqlite_popen$' => null,
'^time_nanosleep$' => null,
'^base64_decode$' => null,
'^base_convert$' => null,
'^basename$' => null,
'^chr$' => null,
'^convert_cyr_string$' => null,
'^dba_nextkey$' => null,
'^dns_get_record$' => null,
'^extract$' => null,
'^fdf_.*$' => null,
'^fget.*$' => null,
'^fread$' => null,
'^fflush$' => null,
'^get_browser$' => null,
'^get_headers$' => null,
'^get_meta_tags$' => null,
'^getallheaders$' => null,
'^getenv$' => null,
'^getopt$' => null,
'^headers_list$' => null,
'^hebrev$' => null,
'^hebrevc$' => null,
'^highlight_string$' => null,
'^html_entity_decode$' => null,
'^ibase_blob_import$' => null,
'^id3_get_tag$' => null,
'^import_request_variables$' => null,
'^ircg_nickname_unescape$' => null,
'^ldap_get_values$' => null,
'^mb_decode_mimeheader$' => null,
'^mb_parse_str$' => null,
'^mcrypt_decrypt$' => null,
'^mdecrypt_generic$' => null,
'^msg_receive$' => null,
'^ngettext$' => null,
'^ob_get_contents$' => null,
'^ob_get_flush$' => null,
'^rawurldecode$' => null,
'^shm_get_var$' => null,
'^stripcslashes$' => null,
'^stripslashes$' => null,
'^token_get_all$' => null,
'^unpack$' => null,
'^convert_uudecode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode_headers$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_encode$' => null,
'^iconv_set_encoding$' => null,
'^php_strip_whitespace$' => null,
'^addcslashes$' => null,
'^addslashes$' => null,
'^escapeshellarg$' => null,
'^escapeshellcmd$' => null,
'^gettype$' => null,
'^var_dump$' => null,
'^tempnam$' => null,
'^realpath$' => null,
'^linkinfo$' => null,
'^lstat$' => null,
'^stat$' => null,
'^lchgrp$' => null,
'^lchown$' => null,
'^show_source$' => null,
'^is_executable$' => null,
'^is_link$' => null,
'^is_readable$' => null,
'^is_writable$' => null,
'^is_writeable$' => null,
'^is_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^glob$' => null,
'^ssh2_.*$' => null,
'^delete$' => null,
'^file.*$' => null,
- ...
- curl_: -
- file_exists -
- ...
Include File
"%s" statement detected. File manipulations are discouraged.
... Statement is not a function, no parentheses are required.
... Passing urls is forbidden.
... Concatenating is forbidden.
... Variables inside are insecure.
public $urlPattern = '#(https?|ftp)://.*#i';
Language Construct
Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
Use of %s language construct is discouraged.
return array(
Direct use of %s Superglobal detected.
public $superGlobalErrors = array(
public $superGlobalWarning = array(
Raw Query
Possible raw SQL statement %s detected
public $statements = array(
public $queryFunctions = array(
Slow Query
Possible slow SQL statement %s detected
Possible slow SQL method %s detected
public $adapterMethods = array(
public $rawStatements = array(
Possible executable regular expression in %s. Make sure that the pattern doesn't contain "e" modifier
public $functions = array(
String Concat
Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected
String Position
Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function
public $functions = array(
Related questions & answers for best-practice
- What is faster - getting raw attribute value or use collection?
- Magento 1: Performance optimizations to delete entities
magento-1 best-practice coding-standards magento-ecg
There is something like a coding standard
for Magento 1, called ECG
where numerous things should be avoided or methods that should not be used.
Let's try to create a list that covers all cases that are throwing "errors" or "warning" in your code.
Below you'll find a list with all possible warnings. I'll update this post at regular intervals and link to given and upvoted answers.
Note: please try to avoid duplicate answers ;)
ECG Sniffs
Mysql4 classes are obsolete.
- How to handle deprecated “Mysql4” classes when rewriting resource models
- Magento 1.9 module oddly breaking when changing resource folder from Mysql4 to Resource
Object Instantiation
Direct object instantiation (class %s) is discouraged in Magento.
protected $disallowedClassPrefixes = array(
Use of goto is discouraged.
Namespace for "'.$exceptionClassName.'" class is not specified.
Private Class Member
Private class member detected.
Private class member detected.
Collection Count
Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.
- How to check if a collection has items?
fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
- GetFirstItem -
Array size calculation function %s detected in loop
Model LSD method %s detected in loop
Data load %s method detected in loop
protected $countFunctions = array(
protected $modelLsdMethods = array(
- load
- Find MIN & MAX value of product attribute in a large category
- ...
Missing the %s() ACL method in the %s class.
const PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action';
const REQUIRED_ACL_METHOD_NAME = '_isAllowed';
Discouraged Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^is_dir' => null,
'^is_file$' => null,
'^pathinfo$' => null,
Forbidden Function
public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
'^assert$' => null,
'^bind_textdomain_codeset$' => null,
'^bindtextdomain$' => null,
'^bz.*$' => null,
'^call_user_func$' => null,
'^call_user_func_array$' => null,
'^chdir$' => null,
'^chgrp$' => null,
'^chmod$' => null,
'^chown$' => null,
'^chroot$' => null,
'^com_load_typelib$' => null,
'^copy$' => null,
'^create_function$' => null,
'^curl_.*$' => null,
'^cyrus_connect$' => null,
'^dba_.*$' => null,
'^dbase_.*$' => null,
'^dbx_.*$' => null,
'^dcgettext$' => null,
'^dcngettext$' => null,
'^dgettext$' => null,
'^dio_.*$' => null,
'^dirname$' => null,
'^dngettext$' => null,
'^domxml_.*$' => null,
'^exec$' => null,
'^fbsql_.*$' => null,
'^fdf_add_doc_javascript$' => null,
'^fdf_open$' => null,
'^fopen$' => null,
'^fsockopen$' => null,
'^ftp_.*$' => null,
'^fwrite$' => null,
'^gettext$' => null,
'^gz.*$' => null,
'^header$' => null,
'^highlight_file$' => null,
'^ibase_.*$' => null,
'^id3_set_tag$' => null,
'^ifx_.*$' => null,
'^image.*$' => null,
'^imap_.*$' => null,
'^ingres_.*$' => null,
'^ircg_.*$' => null,
'^ldap_.*$' => null,
'^link$' => null,
'^mail$' => null,
'^mb_send_mail$' => null,
'^mkdir$' => null,
'^move_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^msession_.*$' => null,
'^msg_send$' => null,
'^msql$' => null,
'^msql_.*$' => null,
'^mssql_.*$' => null,
'^mysql_.*$' => null,
'^odbc_.*$' => null,
'^opendir$' => null,
'^openlog$' => null,
'^ora_.*$' => null,
'^ovrimos_.*$' => null,
'^parse_ini_file$' => null,
'^parse_str$' => null,
'^parse_url$' => null,
'^parsekit_compile_string$' => null,
'^passthru$' => null,
'^pcntl_.*$' => null,
'^posix_.*$' => null,
'^pfpro_.*$' => null,
'^pfsockopen$' => null,
'^pg_.*$' => null,
'^php_check_syntax$' => null,
'^popen$' => null,
'^print_r$' => null,
'^printf$' => null,
'^proc_open$' => null,
'^putenv$' => null,
'^readfile$' => null,
'^readgzfile$' => null,
'^readline$' => null,
'^readlink$' => null,
'^register_shutdown_function$' => null,
'^register_tick_function$' => null,
'^rename$' => null,
'^rmdir$' => null,
'^scandir$' => null,
'^session_.*$' => null,
'^set_include_path$' => null,
'^set_ini$' => null,
'^set_time_limit$' => null,
'^setcookie$' => null,
'^setlocale$' => null,
'^setrawcookie$' => null,
'^shell_exec$' => null,
'^sleep$' => null,
'^socket_.*$' => null,
'^stream_.*$' => null,
'^sybase_.*$' => null,
'^symlink$' => null,
'^syslog$' => null,
'^system$' => null,
'^touch$' => null,
'^trigger_error$' => null,
'^unlink$' => null,
'^vprintf$' => null,
'^mysqli.*$' => null,
'^oci_connect$' => null,
'^oci_pconnect$' => null,
'^quotemeta$' => null,
'^sqlite_popen$' => null,
'^time_nanosleep$' => null,
'^base64_decode$' => null,
'^base_convert$' => null,
'^basename$' => null,
'^chr$' => null,
'^convert_cyr_string$' => null,
'^dba_nextkey$' => null,
'^dns_get_record$' => null,
'^extract$' => null,
'^fdf_.*$' => null,
'^fget.*$' => null,
'^fread$' => null,
'^fflush$' => null,
'^get_browser$' => null,
'^get_headers$' => null,
'^get_meta_tags$' => null,
'^getallheaders$' => null,
'^getenv$' => null,
'^getopt$' => null,
'^headers_list$' => null,
'^hebrev$' => null,
'^hebrevc$' => null,
'^highlight_string$' => null,
'^html_entity_decode$' => null,
'^ibase_blob_import$' => null,
'^id3_get_tag$' => null,
'^import_request_variables$' => null,
'^ircg_nickname_unescape$' => null,
'^ldap_get_values$' => null,
'^mb_decode_mimeheader$' => null,
'^mb_parse_str$' => null,
'^mcrypt_decrypt$' => null,
'^mdecrypt_generic$' => null,
'^msg_receive$' => null,
'^ngettext$' => null,
'^ob_get_contents$' => null,
'^ob_get_flush$' => null,
'^rawurldecode$' => null,
'^shm_get_var$' => null,
'^stripcslashes$' => null,
'^stripslashes$' => null,
'^token_get_all$' => null,
'^unpack$' => null,
'^convert_uudecode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_decode_headers$' => null,
'^iconv_mime_encode$' => null,
'^iconv_set_encoding$' => null,
'^php_strip_whitespace$' => null,
'^addcslashes$' => null,
'^addslashes$' => null,
'^escapeshellarg$' => null,
'^escapeshellcmd$' => null,
'^gettype$' => null,
'^var_dump$' => null,
'^tempnam$' => null,
'^realpath$' => null,
'^linkinfo$' => null,
'^lstat$' => null,
'^stat$' => null,
'^lchgrp$' => null,
'^lchown$' => null,
'^show_source$' => null,
'^is_executable$' => null,
'^is_link$' => null,
'^is_readable$' => null,
'^is_writable$' => null,
'^is_writeable$' => null,
'^is_uploaded_file$' => null,
'^glob$' => null,
'^ssh2_.*$' => null,
'^delete$' => null,
'^file.*$' => null,
- ...
- curl_: -
- file_exists -
- ...
Include File
"%s" statement detected. File manipulations are discouraged.
... Statement is not a function, no parentheses are required.
... Passing urls is forbidden.
... Concatenating is forbidden.
... Variables inside are insecure.
public $urlPattern = '#(https?|ftp)://.*#i';
Language Construct
Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.
Use of %s language construct is discouraged.
return array(
Direct use of %s Superglobal detected.
public $superGlobalErrors = array(
public $superGlobalWarning = array(
Raw Query
Possible raw SQL statement %s detected
public $statements = array(
public $queryFunctions = array(
Slow Query
Possible slow SQL statement %s detected
Possible slow SQL method %s detected
public $adapterMethods = array(
public $rawStatements = array(
Possible executable regular expression in %s. Make sure that the pattern doesn't contain "e" modifier
public $functions = array(
String Concat
Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected
String Position
Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function
public $functions = array(
Related questions & answers for best-practice
- What is faster - getting raw attribute value or use collection?
- Magento 1: Performance optimizations to delete entities
magento-1 best-practice coding-standards magento-ecg
magento-1 best-practice coding-standards magento-ecg
edited Jul 25 '17 at 1:39
asked Jun 12 '17 at 17:01


LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26
show 2 more comments
LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26
LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26
show 2 more comments
3 Answers
Forbidden Function
The use of function file_exists() is forbidden
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {
$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
add a comment |
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$weight = $product->getData('weight');
Apply limit before grab data.
$collection->setPageSize(1, 1)
Collection with 750 products ...
Without limiting before:
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 2,116,522 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 2,101,688 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 4,783,504 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 4,363,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 104,187
With using getSelect()->limit(1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 149,803 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 131,405 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,384,840 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,827,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,327
With using setPageSize(1, 1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 155,025 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 136,191 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,413,128 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,856,064 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,515
This warning will still pop up, even if you limit your collection before. To get rid of this message use $collection->getLastItem()
I am gettingData access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function curl_init(), curl_setopt(), curl_exec(), curl_close() is forbidden
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$options = array(
$curl = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
$curl->write(Zend_Http_Client::GET, $url, Zend_Http_Client::HTTP_0);
$response = $curl->read();
I used above code and it is giving me errorUncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.
– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
add a comment |
Your Answer
StackExchange.ready(function() {
var channelOptions = {
tags: "".split(" "),
id: "479"
initTagRenderer("".split(" "), "".split(" "), channelOptions);
StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function() {
// Have to fire editor after snippets, if snippets enabled
if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled) {
StackExchange.using("snippets", function() {
else {
function createEditor() {
heartbeatType: 'answer',
autoActivateHeartbeat: false,
convertImagesToLinks: false,
noModals: true,
showLowRepImageUploadWarning: true,
reputationToPostImages: null,
bindNavPrevention: true,
postfix: "",
imageUploader: {
brandingHtml: "Powered by u003ca class="icon-imgur-white" href=""u003eu003c/au003e",
contentPolicyHtml: "User contributions licensed under u003ca href=""u003ecc by-sa 3.0 with attribution requiredu003c/au003e u003ca href=""u003e(content policy)u003c/au003e",
allowUrls: true
onDemand: true,
discardSelector: ".discard-answer"
Sign up or log in
StackExchange.ready(function () {
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function () {
StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');
Post as a guest
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3 Answers
3 Answers
Forbidden Function
The use of function file_exists() is forbidden
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {
$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function file_exists() is forbidden
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {
$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function file_exists() is forbidden
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {
$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
Forbidden Function
The use of function file_exists() is forbidden
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {
$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
edited Jun 16 '17 at 0:07
community wiki
2 revs
add a comment |
add a comment |
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$weight = $product->getData('weight');
Apply limit before grab data.
$collection->setPageSize(1, 1)
Collection with 750 products ...
Without limiting before:
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 2,116,522 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 2,101,688 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 4,783,504 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 4,363,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 104,187
With using getSelect()->limit(1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 149,803 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 131,405 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,384,840 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,827,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,327
With using setPageSize(1, 1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 155,025 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 136,191 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,413,128 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,856,064 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,515
This warning will still pop up, even if you limit your collection before. To get rid of this message use $collection->getLastItem()
I am gettingData access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
add a comment |
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$weight = $product->getData('weight');
Apply limit before grab data.
$collection->setPageSize(1, 1)
Collection with 750 products ...
Without limiting before:
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 2,116,522 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 2,101,688 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 4,783,504 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 4,363,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 104,187
With using getSelect()->limit(1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 149,803 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 131,405 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,384,840 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,827,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,327
With using setPageSize(1, 1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 155,025 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 136,191 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,413,128 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,856,064 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,515
This warning will still pop up, even if you limit your collection before. To get rid of this message use $collection->getLastItem()
I am gettingData access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
add a comment |
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$weight = $product->getData('weight');
Apply limit before grab data.
$collection->setPageSize(1, 1)
Collection with 750 products ...
Without limiting before:
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 2,116,522 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 2,101,688 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 4,783,504 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 4,363,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 104,187
With using getSelect()->limit(1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 149,803 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 131,405 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,384,840 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,827,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,327
With using setPageSize(1, 1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 155,025 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 136,191 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,413,128 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,856,064 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,515
This warning will still pop up, even if you limit your collection before. To get rid of this message use $collection->getLastItem()
getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
$product = $collection->getFirstItem();
$weight = $product->getData('weight');
Apply limit before grab data.
$collection->setPageSize(1, 1)
Collection with 750 products ...
Without limiting before:
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 2,116,522 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 2,101,688 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 4,783,504 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 4,363,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 104,187
With using getSelect()->limit(1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 149,803 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 131,405 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,384,840 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,827,112 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,327
With using setPageSize(1, 1)
- Total Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 155,025 microsecs
- Total Incl. CPU (microsecs): 136,191 microsecs
- Total Incl. MemUse (bytes): 2,413,128 bytes
- Total Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes): 1,856,064 bytes
- Number of Function Calls: 5,515
This warning will still pop up, even if you limit your collection before. To get rid of this message use $collection->getLastItem()
edited Jun 16 '17 at 0:58
community wiki
3 revs
I am gettingData access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
add a comment |
I am gettingData access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
I am getting
Data access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
I am getting
Data access method LIMIT detected outside of Resource Model
when using limit`– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 8:10
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
Here is more details
– Amit Patel
Dec 12 '17 at 10:35
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function curl_init(), curl_setopt(), curl_exec(), curl_close() is forbidden
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$options = array(
$curl = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
$curl->write(Zend_Http_Client::GET, $url, Zend_Http_Client::HTTP_0);
$response = $curl->read();
I used above code and it is giving me errorUncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.
– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function curl_init(), curl_setopt(), curl_exec(), curl_close() is forbidden
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$options = array(
$curl = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
$curl->write(Zend_Http_Client::GET, $url, Zend_Http_Client::HTTP_0);
$response = $curl->read();
I used above code and it is giving me errorUncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.
– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
add a comment |
Forbidden Function
The use of function curl_init(), curl_setopt(), curl_exec(), curl_close() is forbidden
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$options = array(
$curl = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
$curl->write(Zend_Http_Client::GET, $url, Zend_Http_Client::HTTP_0);
$response = $curl->read();
Forbidden Function
The use of function curl_init(), curl_setopt(), curl_exec(), curl_close() is forbidden
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
curl_setopt($connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$options = array(
$curl = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
$curl->write(Zend_Http_Client::GET, $url, Zend_Http_Client::HTTP_0);
$response = $curl->read();
edited 24 mins ago
community wiki
5 revs, 2 users 98%
I used above code and it is giving me errorUncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.
– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
add a comment |
I used above code and it is giving me errorUncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.
– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
I used above code and it is giving me error
Uncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
I used above code and it is giving me error
Uncaught Error: Class 'CustomRmaHelperVarien_Http_Adapter_Curl' not found
. How to use the class i found it in vendor but no luck.– Nitin Pawar
Mar 5 '18 at 8:59
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
@NitinPawar can you please open a new question? Something seems to be wrong with your code.
– sv3n
Mar 5 '18 at 9:01
add a comment |
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LOL about this post, you wrote almost a doc :)
Jul 22 '17 at 22:49
@Prince someone else could help a bit to complete this :P
– sv3n
Jul 22 '17 at 22:59
I don't think so :)
Jul 22 '17 at 23:04
any alternative for stripcslashes()? @sv3n thanks for such description question and answers :)
– Keyur Shah
Jan 30 '18 at 14:05
@KeyurShah No. Either ignore warning or try to avoid "before" :) In wich case you use it? Maybe add this as question?
– sv3n
Jan 30 '18 at 21:26