圣米歇尔喷泉 参考 导航菜单48°51′11.32″N 2°20′37.32″E / 48.8531444°N...



坐标:48°51′11.32″N 2°20′37.32″E / 48.8531444°N 2.3437000°E / 48.8531444; 2.3437000




圣米歇尔喷泉(Fontaine Saint-Michel,法语发音:.mw-parser-output .IPA{font-family:"Charis SIL","Doulos SIL","Linux Libertine","Segoe UI","Lucida Sans Unicode","Code2000","Gentium","Gentium Alternative","TITUS Cyberbit Basic","Arial Unicode MS","IPAPANNEW","Chrysanthi Unicode","GentiumAlt","Bitstream Vera","Bitstream Cyberbit","Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro","Lucida Grande",sans-serif;text-decoration:none!important}.mw-parser-output .IPA a:link,.mw-parser-output .IPA a:visited{text-decoration:none!important}[fɔ̃.tɛn sɛ̃.mi.ʃɛl])是巴黎第五区圣米歇尔广场一个宏伟的喷泉,设在圣米歇尔大道与圣安德烈大道转角建筑物的墙壁上,建于1858–1860年,法兰西第二帝国时期,是奥斯曼男爵重建巴黎伟大工程的一部分,建筑师Gabriel Davioud。



圣米歇尔喷泉是巴黎最晚兴建的一个墙壁喷泉,这一文艺复兴传统开始于17世纪的美第奇喷泉,以及18世纪的四季喷泉(Fontaine des Quatre-Saisons)。巴黎后来兴建的喷泉全都独立设在广场或公园中心。


  1. ^ Dominique Jarassé, La fontaine Saint-Michel, Le classicism controversé, Archives d'architecture moderne, 1982, number 22, pgs. 80-87.

  2. ^ Archives of Paris, VM, 92/2. Cited in Beatrice Lamoitier.

  • Paris et ses fontaines de la Renaissance à nos jours, Collection Paris et son patrimoine, directed by Beatrice de Andia, Paris, 1995.

  • Gabriel Davioud, architecte de Paris, exhibition catalog, Exhibits at the city halls of the 16h and 19th arrondissements, by the Delegation a l'Action Artistique de la VIlle de Paris, 1981–1983.

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