Test if all elements of a Foldable are the same The Ask Question Wizard is Live! ...

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Test if all elements of a Foldable are the same

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I built a function that verifies that all elements of a foldable structure are equal.

Compared to a similar function on the lists, it seems to me that the more general function is disproportionately complex, but I have not been able to simplify it.

Do you have any suggestions?

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence as SQ
import Data.Matrix as MT

allElementsEqualL :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allElementsEqualL [] = True
allElementsEqualL (x:ns) = all (== x) ns
-- allElementsEqualL [1,1,1] -> True

allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
allElementsEqualF xs = case (getFirst . foldMap (First . Just) $ xs) of
Nothing -> True
Just x -> all (== x) xs

-- allElementsEqualF [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ SQ.fromList [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ MT.fromLists [[1,1],[1,1]] -> True


  • 1

    Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

    – Alexey Romanov
    6 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

    – Alexey Romanov
    4 hours ago


I built a function that verifies that all elements of a foldable structure are equal.

Compared to a similar function on the lists, it seems to me that the more general function is disproportionately complex, but I have not been able to simplify it.

Do you have any suggestions?

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence as SQ
import Data.Matrix as MT

allElementsEqualL :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allElementsEqualL [] = True
allElementsEqualL (x:ns) = all (== x) ns
-- allElementsEqualL [1,1,1] -> True

allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
allElementsEqualF xs = case (getFirst . foldMap (First . Just) $ xs) of
Nothing -> True
Just x -> all (== x) xs

-- allElementsEqualF [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ SQ.fromList [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ MT.fromLists [[1,1],[1,1]] -> True


  • 1

    Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

    – Alexey Romanov
    6 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

    – Alexey Romanov
    4 hours ago





I built a function that verifies that all elements of a foldable structure are equal.

Compared to a similar function on the lists, it seems to me that the more general function is disproportionately complex, but I have not been able to simplify it.

Do you have any suggestions?

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence as SQ
import Data.Matrix as MT

allElementsEqualL :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allElementsEqualL [] = True
allElementsEqualL (x:ns) = all (== x) ns
-- allElementsEqualL [1,1,1] -> True

allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
allElementsEqualF xs = case (getFirst . foldMap (First . Just) $ xs) of
Nothing -> True
Just x -> all (== x) xs

-- allElementsEqualF [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ SQ.fromList [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ MT.fromLists [[1,1],[1,1]] -> True


I built a function that verifies that all elements of a foldable structure are equal.

Compared to a similar function on the lists, it seems to me that the more general function is disproportionately complex, but I have not been able to simplify it.

Do you have any suggestions?

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence as SQ
import Data.Matrix as MT

allElementsEqualL :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allElementsEqualL [] = True
allElementsEqualL (x:ns) = all (== x) ns
-- allElementsEqualL [1,1,1] -> True

allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
allElementsEqualF xs = case (getFirst . foldMap (First . Just) $ xs) of
Nothing -> True
Just x -> all (== x) xs

-- allElementsEqualF [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ SQ.fromList [1,1,1] -> True

-- allElementsEqualF $ MT.fromLists [[1,1],[1,1]] -> True






asked 7 hours ago

Alberto CapitaniAlberto Capitani



  • 1

    Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

    – Alexey Romanov
    6 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

    – Alexey Romanov
    4 hours ago

  • 1

    Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

    – Alexey Romanov
    6 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • @AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

    – Alberto Capitani
    5 hours ago

  • I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

    – Alexey Romanov
    4 hours ago



Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

– Alexey Romanov
6 hours ago

Of course, you can always do allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList.

– Alexey Romanov
6 hours ago

@AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

– Alberto Capitani
5 hours ago

@AlexeyRomanov I recently thought of this solution, but I thought it could be very expensive from the point of view of conversion between types. If instead everything happened in a "lazy" way, maybe it would be the most convenient and fastest solution. Is it correct?

– Alberto Capitani
5 hours ago

@AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

– Alberto Capitani
5 hours ago

@AlexeyRomanov I thought also a mixed solution: allElementsEqualF2 xs -- | F.null xs = True -- | otherwise = all (== x) xs -- where -- x = head $ F.toList xs --- so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

– Alberto Capitani
5 hours ago

I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

– Alexey Romanov
4 hours ago

I decided it was worth a separate answer after all :)

– Alexey Romanov
4 hours ago

4 Answers





I don't know about less complicated, but I think this is the "cleanest" way to do it. By "clean," I mean it's one traversal over the structure using a single, special Monoid.

data Same a = Vacuous | Fail | Same a
instance Eq a => Semigroup (Same a) where
Vacuous <> x = x
Fail <> _ = Fail
s@(Same l) <> Same r = if l == r then s else Fail
x <> Vacuous = x
_ <> Fail = Fail
instance Eq a => Monoid (Same a) where
mempty = Vacuous

allEq :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f a -> Bool
allEq xs = case foldMap Same xs of
Fail -> False
_ -> True


  • I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

    – Rein Henrichs
    7 hours ago

  • 1

    @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

    – Daniel Wagner
    7 hours ago

  • It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

    – HTNW
    7 hours ago

  • Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

    – Rein Henrichs
    7 hours ago

  • @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

    – Daniel Wagner
    7 hours ago


The convenient thing about your first function that doesn't exist in your second is that we have a convenient way of getting the "head" of a list. Fortunately, we can do the same for a Foldable. Let's write a head' that works on any Foldable (and for the sake of type safety we'll have our head' return a Maybe)

head' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Maybe a
head' = foldr (a _ -> Just a) Nothing

Now we can write basically the same code as the list case for the general one.

allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
allElementsEqualF f = case head' f of
Nothing -> True
Just a -> all (== a) f

Syntactically, it looks different, but it's the exact same thing you did in your list case: check if the structure is empty and, if it's not, then see if every element is equal to the first.

Note that, technically, this is not quite equivalent to the code you posted, as it compares the first element against itself. So if your == operator is for some reason not reflexive, you'll get different results (try running my code and yours on the list [read "NaN" :: Double])



    Silvio's answer is syntactically small and easy to understand; however, it may do extra work associated with doing two folds if the Foldable instance can't compute head' cheaply. In this answer I will discuss how to perform the calculation in just one pass whether the underlying Foldable can compute head' cheaply or not.

    The basic idea is this: instead of tracking just "are all the elements equal so far", we'll also track what they're all equal to. So:

    data AreTheyEqual a
    = Empty
    | Equal a
    | Inequal
    deriving Eq

    This is a Monoid, with Empty as the unit and Inequal as an absorbing element.

    instance Eq a => Semigroup (AreTheyEqual a) where
    Empty <> x = x
    x <> Empty = x
    Equal a <> Equal b | a == b = Equal a
    _ <> _ = Inequal

    instance Eq a => Monoid (AreTheyEqual a) where
    mempty = Empty

    Now we can use foldMap to summarize an entire Foldable, like so:

    allElementsEqual :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => f a -> Bool
    allElementsEqual = (Inequal /=) . foldMap Equal


    • 1

      I think this is the same as my answer?

      – HTNW
      7 hours ago

    • @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago

    • It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

      – Rein Henrichs
      7 hours ago

    • @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago


    A rather trivial option, and I would generally prefer one of the other answers, is reusing allElementsEqualL:

    allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList

    or after inlining

    allElementsEqualF xs = case toList xs of
    [] -> True
    x:xs' -> all (== x) xs'

    It's laziness which makes it reasonable. The all call doesn't demand the entire xs', but only until it finds the first one different from x. So toList will also not demand the entire xs. And at the same time, already examined elements don't need to be kept in memory.

    You could write a Foldable instance for which toList is less lazy than necessary, but except for those cases I think it should do exactly as much work as Daniel Wagner's and HTNW's answer (with slight overhead not depending on input size).

    I thought also a mixed solution:

    allElementsEqualF2 xs | F.null xs = True 
    | otherwise = all (== x) xs
    where x = head $ F.toList xs

    so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

    This does slightly more work in the non-empty case than Silvio's answer, because F.null duplicates exactly as much of F.toList's work as head' does. So Silvio's code has to get to the first element 2 times (one for head' and another inside all), and yours does it 3 times (null, head $ toList xs and all again).


      4 Answers




      4 Answers











      I don't know about less complicated, but I think this is the "cleanest" way to do it. By "clean," I mean it's one traversal over the structure using a single, special Monoid.

      data Same a = Vacuous | Fail | Same a
      instance Eq a => Semigroup (Same a) where
      Vacuous <> x = x
      Fail <> _ = Fail
      s@(Same l) <> Same r = if l == r then s else Fail
      x <> Vacuous = x
      _ <> Fail = Fail
      instance Eq a => Monoid (Same a) where
      mempty = Vacuous

      allEq :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f a -> Bool
      allEq xs = case foldMap Same xs of
      Fail -> False
      _ -> True


      • I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      • It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

        – HTNW
        7 hours ago

      • Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago


      I don't know about less complicated, but I think this is the "cleanest" way to do it. By "clean," I mean it's one traversal over the structure using a single, special Monoid.

      data Same a = Vacuous | Fail | Same a
      instance Eq a => Semigroup (Same a) where
      Vacuous <> x = x
      Fail <> _ = Fail
      s@(Same l) <> Same r = if l == r then s else Fail
      x <> Vacuous = x
      _ <> Fail = Fail
      instance Eq a => Monoid (Same a) where
      mempty = Vacuous

      allEq :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f a -> Bool
      allEq xs = case foldMap Same xs of
      Fail -> False
      _ -> True


      • I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      • It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

        – HTNW
        7 hours ago

      • Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago




      I don't know about less complicated, but I think this is the "cleanest" way to do it. By "clean," I mean it's one traversal over the structure using a single, special Monoid.

      data Same a = Vacuous | Fail | Same a
      instance Eq a => Semigroup (Same a) where
      Vacuous <> x = x
      Fail <> _ = Fail
      s@(Same l) <> Same r = if l == r then s else Fail
      x <> Vacuous = x
      _ <> Fail = Fail
      instance Eq a => Monoid (Same a) where
      mempty = Vacuous

      allEq :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f a -> Bool
      allEq xs = case foldMap Same xs of
      Fail -> False
      _ -> True


      I don't know about less complicated, but I think this is the "cleanest" way to do it. By "clean," I mean it's one traversal over the structure using a single, special Monoid.

      data Same a = Vacuous | Fail | Same a
      instance Eq a => Semigroup (Same a) where
      Vacuous <> x = x
      Fail <> _ = Fail
      s@(Same l) <> Same r = if l == r then s else Fail
      x <> Vacuous = x
      _ <> Fail = Fail
      instance Eq a => Monoid (Same a) where
      mempty = Vacuous

      allEq :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f a -> Bool
      allEq xs = case foldMap Same xs of
      Fail -> False
      _ -> True




      edited 1 hour ago

      Joseph Sible



      answered 7 hours ago




      • I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      • It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

        – HTNW
        7 hours ago

      • Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      • I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      • It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

        – HTNW
        7 hours ago

      • Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

        – Rein Henrichs
        7 hours ago

      • @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

        – Daniel Wagner
        7 hours ago

      I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

      – Rein Henrichs
      7 hours ago

      I think Same is isomorphic to Success a from the zero package.

      – Rein Henrichs
      7 hours ago



      @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago

      @ReinHenrichs I kind of doubt it. Same a has two extra constructors compared to a, whereas Success a has just one. Now it might be Success (Maybe a) or something... but at that point I would say having a custom type is more readable.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago

      It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

      – HTNW
      7 hours ago

      It is, however, true that Zero (Same a) with zero = Fail.

      – HTNW
      7 hours ago

      Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

      – Rein Henrichs
      7 hours ago

      Same a has n + 2 elements. Success a is Maybe (Maybe a), which also has n + 2 elements. (Ignoring bottoms.)

      – Rein Henrichs
      7 hours ago

      @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago

      @ReinHenrichs Hm. When I follow your link, I see newtype Success a = Success { getSuccess :: Maybe a }, which has just one Maybe wrapper, not two.

      – Daniel Wagner
      7 hours ago


      The convenient thing about your first function that doesn't exist in your second is that we have a convenient way of getting the "head" of a list. Fortunately, we can do the same for a Foldable. Let's write a head' that works on any Foldable (and for the sake of type safety we'll have our head' return a Maybe)

      head' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Maybe a
      head' = foldr (a _ -> Just a) Nothing

      Now we can write basically the same code as the list case for the general one.

      allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
      allElementsEqualF f = case head' f of
      Nothing -> True
      Just a -> all (== a) f

      Syntactically, it looks different, but it's the exact same thing you did in your list case: check if the structure is empty and, if it's not, then see if every element is equal to the first.

      Note that, technically, this is not quite equivalent to the code you posted, as it compares the first element against itself. So if your == operator is for some reason not reflexive, you'll get different results (try running my code and yours on the list [read "NaN" :: Double])



        The convenient thing about your first function that doesn't exist in your second is that we have a convenient way of getting the "head" of a list. Fortunately, we can do the same for a Foldable. Let's write a head' that works on any Foldable (and for the sake of type safety we'll have our head' return a Maybe)

        head' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Maybe a
        head' = foldr (a _ -> Just a) Nothing

        Now we can write basically the same code as the list case for the general one.

        allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
        allElementsEqualF f = case head' f of
        Nothing -> True
        Just a -> all (== a) f

        Syntactically, it looks different, but it's the exact same thing you did in your list case: check if the structure is empty and, if it's not, then see if every element is equal to the first.

        Note that, technically, this is not quite equivalent to the code you posted, as it compares the first element against itself. So if your == operator is for some reason not reflexive, you'll get different results (try running my code and yours on the list [read "NaN" :: Double])





          The convenient thing about your first function that doesn't exist in your second is that we have a convenient way of getting the "head" of a list. Fortunately, we can do the same for a Foldable. Let's write a head' that works on any Foldable (and for the sake of type safety we'll have our head' return a Maybe)

          head' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Maybe a
          head' = foldr (a _ -> Just a) Nothing

          Now we can write basically the same code as the list case for the general one.

          allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
          allElementsEqualF f = case head' f of
          Nothing -> True
          Just a -> all (== a) f

          Syntactically, it looks different, but it's the exact same thing you did in your list case: check if the structure is empty and, if it's not, then see if every element is equal to the first.

          Note that, technically, this is not quite equivalent to the code you posted, as it compares the first element against itself. So if your == operator is for some reason not reflexive, you'll get different results (try running my code and yours on the list [read "NaN" :: Double])


          The convenient thing about your first function that doesn't exist in your second is that we have a convenient way of getting the "head" of a list. Fortunately, we can do the same for a Foldable. Let's write a head' that works on any Foldable (and for the sake of type safety we'll have our head' return a Maybe)

          head' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Maybe a
          head' = foldr (a _ -> Just a) Nothing

          Now we can write basically the same code as the list case for the general one.

          allElementsEqualF :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t a -> Bool
          allElementsEqualF f = case head' f of
          Nothing -> True
          Just a -> all (== a) f

          Syntactically, it looks different, but it's the exact same thing you did in your list case: check if the structure is empty and, if it's not, then see if every element is equal to the first.

          Note that, technically, this is not quite equivalent to the code you posted, as it compares the first element against itself. So if your == operator is for some reason not reflexive, you'll get different results (try running my code and yours on the list [read "NaN" :: Double])




          answered 7 hours ago

          Silvio MayoloSilvio Mayolo




              Silvio's answer is syntactically small and easy to understand; however, it may do extra work associated with doing two folds if the Foldable instance can't compute head' cheaply. In this answer I will discuss how to perform the calculation in just one pass whether the underlying Foldable can compute head' cheaply or not.

              The basic idea is this: instead of tracking just "are all the elements equal so far", we'll also track what they're all equal to. So:

              data AreTheyEqual a
              = Empty
              | Equal a
              | Inequal
              deriving Eq

              This is a Monoid, with Empty as the unit and Inequal as an absorbing element.

              instance Eq a => Semigroup (AreTheyEqual a) where
              Empty <> x = x
              x <> Empty = x
              Equal a <> Equal b | a == b = Equal a
              _ <> _ = Inequal

              instance Eq a => Monoid (AreTheyEqual a) where
              mempty = Empty

              Now we can use foldMap to summarize an entire Foldable, like so:

              allElementsEqual :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => f a -> Bool
              allElementsEqual = (Inequal /=) . foldMap Equal


              • 1

                I think this is the same as my answer?

                – HTNW
                7 hours ago

              • @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago

              • It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

                – Rein Henrichs
                7 hours ago

              • @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago


              Silvio's answer is syntactically small and easy to understand; however, it may do extra work associated with doing two folds if the Foldable instance can't compute head' cheaply. In this answer I will discuss how to perform the calculation in just one pass whether the underlying Foldable can compute head' cheaply or not.

              The basic idea is this: instead of tracking just "are all the elements equal so far", we'll also track what they're all equal to. So:

              data AreTheyEqual a
              = Empty
              | Equal a
              | Inequal
              deriving Eq

              This is a Monoid, with Empty as the unit and Inequal as an absorbing element.

              instance Eq a => Semigroup (AreTheyEqual a) where
              Empty <> x = x
              x <> Empty = x
              Equal a <> Equal b | a == b = Equal a
              _ <> _ = Inequal

              instance Eq a => Monoid (AreTheyEqual a) where
              mempty = Empty

              Now we can use foldMap to summarize an entire Foldable, like so:

              allElementsEqual :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => f a -> Bool
              allElementsEqual = (Inequal /=) . foldMap Equal


              • 1

                I think this is the same as my answer?

                – HTNW
                7 hours ago

              • @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago

              • It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

                – Rein Henrichs
                7 hours ago

              • @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago




              Silvio's answer is syntactically small and easy to understand; however, it may do extra work associated with doing two folds if the Foldable instance can't compute head' cheaply. In this answer I will discuss how to perform the calculation in just one pass whether the underlying Foldable can compute head' cheaply or not.

              The basic idea is this: instead of tracking just "are all the elements equal so far", we'll also track what they're all equal to. So:

              data AreTheyEqual a
              = Empty
              | Equal a
              | Inequal
              deriving Eq

              This is a Monoid, with Empty as the unit and Inequal as an absorbing element.

              instance Eq a => Semigroup (AreTheyEqual a) where
              Empty <> x = x
              x <> Empty = x
              Equal a <> Equal b | a == b = Equal a
              _ <> _ = Inequal

              instance Eq a => Monoid (AreTheyEqual a) where
              mempty = Empty

              Now we can use foldMap to summarize an entire Foldable, like so:

              allElementsEqual :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => f a -> Bool
              allElementsEqual = (Inequal /=) . foldMap Equal


              Silvio's answer is syntactically small and easy to understand; however, it may do extra work associated with doing two folds if the Foldable instance can't compute head' cheaply. In this answer I will discuss how to perform the calculation in just one pass whether the underlying Foldable can compute head' cheaply or not.

              The basic idea is this: instead of tracking just "are all the elements equal so far", we'll also track what they're all equal to. So:

              data AreTheyEqual a
              = Empty
              | Equal a
              | Inequal
              deriving Eq

              This is a Monoid, with Empty as the unit and Inequal as an absorbing element.

              instance Eq a => Semigroup (AreTheyEqual a) where
              Empty <> x = x
              x <> Empty = x
              Equal a <> Equal b | a == b = Equal a
              _ <> _ = Inequal

              instance Eq a => Monoid (AreTheyEqual a) where
              mempty = Empty

              Now we can use foldMap to summarize an entire Foldable, like so:

              allElementsEqual :: (Eq a, Foldable f) => f a -> Bool
              allElementsEqual = (Inequal /=) . foldMap Equal




              edited 7 hours ago

              answered 7 hours ago

              Daniel WagnerDaniel Wagner



              • 1

                I think this is the same as my answer?

                – HTNW
                7 hours ago

              • @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago

              • It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

                – Rein Henrichs
                7 hours ago

              • @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago

              • 1

                I think this is the same as my answer?

                – HTNW
                7 hours ago

              • @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago

              • It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

                – Rein Henrichs
                7 hours ago

              • @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

                – Daniel Wagner
                7 hours ago



              I think this is the same as my answer?

              – HTNW
              7 hours ago

              I think this is the same as my answer?

              – HTNW
              7 hours ago

              @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

              – Daniel Wagner
              7 hours ago

              @HTNW Yep! Seems we overlapped in answering.

              – Daniel Wagner
              7 hours ago

              It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

              – Rein Henrichs
              7 hours ago

              It doesn't necessarily do two traversals. For structures where foldr can implement guarded recursion, it may only look at the top-most constructor the first time.

              – Rein Henrichs
              7 hours ago

              @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

              – Daniel Wagner
              7 hours ago

              @ReinHenrichs Good point. I'll amend my answer appropriately.

              – Daniel Wagner
              7 hours ago


              A rather trivial option, and I would generally prefer one of the other answers, is reusing allElementsEqualL:

              allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList

              or after inlining

              allElementsEqualF xs = case toList xs of
              [] -> True
              x:xs' -> all (== x) xs'

              It's laziness which makes it reasonable. The all call doesn't demand the entire xs', but only until it finds the first one different from x. So toList will also not demand the entire xs. And at the same time, already examined elements don't need to be kept in memory.

              You could write a Foldable instance for which toList is less lazy than necessary, but except for those cases I think it should do exactly as much work as Daniel Wagner's and HTNW's answer (with slight overhead not depending on input size).

              I thought also a mixed solution:

              allElementsEqualF2 xs | F.null xs = True 
              | otherwise = all (== x) xs
              where x = head $ F.toList xs

              so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

              This does slightly more work in the non-empty case than Silvio's answer, because F.null duplicates exactly as much of F.toList's work as head' does. So Silvio's code has to get to the first element 2 times (one for head' and another inside all), and yours does it 3 times (null, head $ toList xs and all again).



                A rather trivial option, and I would generally prefer one of the other answers, is reusing allElementsEqualL:

                allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList

                or after inlining

                allElementsEqualF xs = case toList xs of
                [] -> True
                x:xs' -> all (== x) xs'

                It's laziness which makes it reasonable. The all call doesn't demand the entire xs', but only until it finds the first one different from x. So toList will also not demand the entire xs. And at the same time, already examined elements don't need to be kept in memory.

                You could write a Foldable instance for which toList is less lazy than necessary, but except for those cases I think it should do exactly as much work as Daniel Wagner's and HTNW's answer (with slight overhead not depending on input size).

                I thought also a mixed solution:

                allElementsEqualF2 xs | F.null xs = True 
                | otherwise = all (== x) xs
                where x = head $ F.toList xs

                so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

                This does slightly more work in the non-empty case than Silvio's answer, because F.null duplicates exactly as much of F.toList's work as head' does. So Silvio's code has to get to the first element 2 times (one for head' and another inside all), and yours does it 3 times (null, head $ toList xs and all again).





                  A rather trivial option, and I would generally prefer one of the other answers, is reusing allElementsEqualL:

                  allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList

                  or after inlining

                  allElementsEqualF xs = case toList xs of
                  [] -> True
                  x:xs' -> all (== x) xs'

                  It's laziness which makes it reasonable. The all call doesn't demand the entire xs', but only until it finds the first one different from x. So toList will also not demand the entire xs. And at the same time, already examined elements don't need to be kept in memory.

                  You could write a Foldable instance for which toList is less lazy than necessary, but except for those cases I think it should do exactly as much work as Daniel Wagner's and HTNW's answer (with slight overhead not depending on input size).

                  I thought also a mixed solution:

                  allElementsEqualF2 xs | F.null xs = True 
                  | otherwise = all (== x) xs
                  where x = head $ F.toList xs

                  so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

                  This does slightly more work in the non-empty case than Silvio's answer, because F.null duplicates exactly as much of F.toList's work as head' does. So Silvio's code has to get to the first element 2 times (one for head' and another inside all), and yours does it 3 times (null, head $ toList xs and all again).


                  A rather trivial option, and I would generally prefer one of the other answers, is reusing allElementsEqualL:

                  allElementsEqualF = allElementsEqualL . toList

                  or after inlining

                  allElementsEqualF xs = case toList xs of
                  [] -> True
                  x:xs' -> all (== x) xs'

                  It's laziness which makes it reasonable. The all call doesn't demand the entire xs', but only until it finds the first one different from x. So toList will also not demand the entire xs. And at the same time, already examined elements don't need to be kept in memory.

                  You could write a Foldable instance for which toList is less lazy than necessary, but except for those cases I think it should do exactly as much work as Daniel Wagner's and HTNW's answer (with slight overhead not depending on input size).

                  I thought also a mixed solution:

                  allElementsEqualF2 xs | F.null xs = True 
                  | otherwise = all (== x) xs
                  where x = head $ F.toList xs

                  so if goList is lazy, the test is carried out upon the original type (with all).

                  This does slightly more work in the non-empty case than Silvio's answer, because F.null duplicates exactly as much of F.toList's work as head' does. So Silvio's code has to get to the first element 2 times (one for head' and another inside all), and yours does it 3 times (null, head $ toList xs and all again).




                  edited 3 hours ago

                  answered 4 hours ago

                  Alexey RomanovAlexey Romanov



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