How do i create a shipment class object in magento 2?Create custom module to modify...

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How do i create a shipment class object in magento 2?

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i am trying to get tracking from csv and load to magento 2 order programmatically.
i grabbed the create shipment & add tracking code from here, and add an execute function (line 122) to load data from csv. but i'm not sure how to create an shipment object (line 175).

$file = fopen('track.csv', 'r', '"'); // set path to the CSV file
if ($file !== false)
require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
$state = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');
// add logging capability
$writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/import-update.log');
$logger = new ZendLogLogger();

class ShipmentObject{
/*There are two main functions
prepareShipment of MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory class which prepare invoice and
addObject of MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory class which helps to create shipment and associate the shipment with original order in Magento 2.

* @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory
protected $_shipmentTrackFactory;

* @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory
protected $_shipmentFactory;

* @var MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory
protected $_transactionFactory;

* @var MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface
protected $_orderRepository;

* @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
* @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
* @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
* @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
public function __construct(
MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory,
MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory,
MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory,
MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
) {
$this->_shipmentTrackFactory = $shipmentTrackFactory;
$this->_shipmentFactory = $shipmentFactory;
$this->_transactionFactory = $transactionFactory;
$this->_orderRepository = $orderRepository;

* @param int $orderId
* @param string $trackingNumber
* @return MagentoSalesModelShipment $shipment
protected function createShipment($orderId, $trackingNumber)
try {
$order = $this->_orderRepository->get($orderId);
if ($order){
$data = array(array(
'carrier_code' => $order->getShippingMethod(), //'carrier_code' => 'fedex', // need to lower case
'title' => $order->getShippingDescription(), //'title' => 'Federal Express', // how to set here 'Federal Express' or 'United Parcel Service'
'number' => $trackingNumber, //$trackingnumber,

$shipment = $this->prepareShipment($order, $data);
if ($shipment) {
$order->addStatusHistoryComment('Automatically SHIPPED', false);
$transactionSave = $this->_transactionFactory->create()->addObject($shipment)->addObject($shipment->getOrder());
return $shipment;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(

* @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
* @param $track array
* @return $this
protected function prepareShipment($order, $track)
$shipment = $this->_shipmentFactory->create(
return $shipment->getTotalQty() ? $shipment->register() : false;

* @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
* @return array
protected function prepareShipmentItems($order)
$items = [];

foreach($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
$items[$item->getItemId()] = $item->getQtyOrdered();
return $items;
//after prepareShipmentItems function

/*excecute function*/
public execute()
// enter the number of data fields you require the product row inside the CSV file to contain

$required_data_fields = 3; //number of column in csv
//$header = fgetcsv($file); // get data headers and skip 1st row

while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",")) !== FALSE)
//while ( $row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",") )
//while (($row = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
$data_count = count($row);
if ($data_count < 1) {

$data = array();
//$data = array_combine($header, $row);
$data = array($row);

$ponumber = $data[0]; //$data['ponumber']; // column A
if ($data_count < $required_data_fields) {
$logger->info("Skipping Order Number " . $ponumber . ". Not enough data to import.");
$shipvia = trim($data[1]); //trim($data['shipvia']); // column B
$trackingnumber = trim($data[2]);//trim($data['trackingnumber']); // column C

echo 'Updating Order: '.$ponumber.', with Tracking: '.$shipvia.':'.$trackingnumber.'<br />n';

///////////////////////////////start adding tracking///////////////////////////////

//createShipment($ponumber, $trackingnumber); /* @param int $orderId@param | @param string $trackingNumber */

///////////////////////////////end of adding tracking///////////////////////////////

}// end of while loop

}//end of execute function

} // end of class shipmentobject

* @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
* @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
* @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
* @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
//create new class object
$test = new ShipmentObject('','','',''); // what value to assign here?

share|improve this question


    i am trying to get tracking from csv and load to magento 2 order programmatically.
    i grabbed the create shipment & add tracking code from here, and add an execute function (line 122) to load data from csv. but i'm not sure how to create an shipment object (line 175).

    $file = fopen('track.csv', 'r', '"'); // set path to the CSV file
    if ($file !== false)
    require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
    $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
    $objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
    $state = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');
    // add logging capability
    $writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/import-update.log');
    $logger = new ZendLogLogger();

    class ShipmentObject{
    /*There are two main functions
    prepareShipment of MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory class which prepare invoice and
    addObject of MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory class which helps to create shipment and associate the shipment with original order in Magento 2.

    * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory
    protected $_shipmentTrackFactory;

    * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory
    protected $_shipmentFactory;

    * @var MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory
    protected $_transactionFactory;

    * @var MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface
    protected $_orderRepository;

    * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
    * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
    * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
    * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
    public function __construct(
    MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory,
    MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory,
    MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory,
    MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
    ) {
    $this->_shipmentTrackFactory = $shipmentTrackFactory;
    $this->_shipmentFactory = $shipmentFactory;
    $this->_transactionFactory = $transactionFactory;
    $this->_orderRepository = $orderRepository;

    * @param int $orderId
    * @param string $trackingNumber
    * @return MagentoSalesModelShipment $shipment
    protected function createShipment($orderId, $trackingNumber)
    try {
    $order = $this->_orderRepository->get($orderId);
    if ($order){
    $data = array(array(
    'carrier_code' => $order->getShippingMethod(), //'carrier_code' => 'fedex', // need to lower case
    'title' => $order->getShippingDescription(), //'title' => 'Federal Express', // how to set here 'Federal Express' or 'United Parcel Service'
    'number' => $trackingNumber, //$trackingnumber,

    $shipment = $this->prepareShipment($order, $data);
    if ($shipment) {
    $order->addStatusHistoryComment('Automatically SHIPPED', false);
    $transactionSave = $this->_transactionFactory->create()->addObject($shipment)->addObject($shipment->getOrder());
    return $shipment;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    throw new MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(

    * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
    * @param $track array
    * @return $this
    protected function prepareShipment($order, $track)
    $shipment = $this->_shipmentFactory->create(
    return $shipment->getTotalQty() ? $shipment->register() : false;

    * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
    * @return array
    protected function prepareShipmentItems($order)
    $items = [];

    foreach($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
    $items[$item->getItemId()] = $item->getQtyOrdered();
    return $items;
    //after prepareShipmentItems function

    /*excecute function*/
    public execute()
    // enter the number of data fields you require the product row inside the CSV file to contain

    $required_data_fields = 3; //number of column in csv
    //$header = fgetcsv($file); // get data headers and skip 1st row

    while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",")) !== FALSE)
    //while ( $row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",") )
    //while (($row = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
    $data_count = count($row);
    if ($data_count < 1) {

    $data = array();
    //$data = array_combine($header, $row);
    $data = array($row);

    $ponumber = $data[0]; //$data['ponumber']; // column A
    if ($data_count < $required_data_fields) {
    $logger->info("Skipping Order Number " . $ponumber . ". Not enough data to import.");
    $shipvia = trim($data[1]); //trim($data['shipvia']); // column B
    $trackingnumber = trim($data[2]);//trim($data['trackingnumber']); // column C

    echo 'Updating Order: '.$ponumber.', with Tracking: '.$shipvia.':'.$trackingnumber.'<br />n';

    ///////////////////////////////start adding tracking///////////////////////////////

    //createShipment($ponumber, $trackingnumber); /* @param int $orderId@param | @param string $trackingNumber */

    ///////////////////////////////end of adding tracking///////////////////////////////

    }// end of while loop

    }//end of execute function

    } // end of class shipmentobject

    * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
    * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
    * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
    * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
    //create new class object
    $test = new ShipmentObject('','','',''); // what value to assign here?

    share|improve this question




      i am trying to get tracking from csv and load to magento 2 order programmatically.
      i grabbed the create shipment & add tracking code from here, and add an execute function (line 122) to load data from csv. but i'm not sure how to create an shipment object (line 175).

      $file = fopen('track.csv', 'r', '"'); // set path to the CSV file
      if ($file !== false)
      require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
      $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
      $objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
      $state = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');
      // add logging capability
      $writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/import-update.log');
      $logger = new ZendLogLogger();

      class ShipmentObject{
      /*There are two main functions
      prepareShipment of MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory class which prepare invoice and
      addObject of MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory class which helps to create shipment and associate the shipment with original order in Magento 2.

      * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory
      protected $_shipmentTrackFactory;

      * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory
      protected $_shipmentFactory;

      * @var MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory
      protected $_transactionFactory;

      * @var MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface
      protected $_orderRepository;

      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
      * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      public function __construct(
      MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory,
      MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory,
      MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory,
      MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      ) {
      $this->_shipmentTrackFactory = $shipmentTrackFactory;
      $this->_shipmentFactory = $shipmentFactory;
      $this->_transactionFactory = $transactionFactory;
      $this->_orderRepository = $orderRepository;

      * @param int $orderId
      * @param string $trackingNumber
      * @return MagentoSalesModelShipment $shipment
      protected function createShipment($orderId, $trackingNumber)
      try {
      $order = $this->_orderRepository->get($orderId);
      if ($order){
      $data = array(array(
      'carrier_code' => $order->getShippingMethod(), //'carrier_code' => 'fedex', // need to lower case
      'title' => $order->getShippingDescription(), //'title' => 'Federal Express', // how to set here 'Federal Express' or 'United Parcel Service'
      'number' => $trackingNumber, //$trackingnumber,

      $shipment = $this->prepareShipment($order, $data);
      if ($shipment) {
      $order->addStatusHistoryComment('Automatically SHIPPED', false);
      $transactionSave = $this->_transactionFactory->create()->addObject($shipment)->addObject($shipment->getOrder());
      return $shipment;
      } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(

      * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
      * @param $track array
      * @return $this
      protected function prepareShipment($order, $track)
      $shipment = $this->_shipmentFactory->create(
      return $shipment->getTotalQty() ? $shipment->register() : false;

      * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
      * @return array
      protected function prepareShipmentItems($order)
      $items = [];

      foreach($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
      $items[$item->getItemId()] = $item->getQtyOrdered();
      return $items;
      //after prepareShipmentItems function

      /*excecute function*/
      public execute()
      // enter the number of data fields you require the product row inside the CSV file to contain

      $required_data_fields = 3; //number of column in csv
      //$header = fgetcsv($file); // get data headers and skip 1st row

      while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",")) !== FALSE)
      //while ( $row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",") )
      //while (($row = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
      $data_count = count($row);
      if ($data_count < 1) {

      $data = array();
      //$data = array_combine($header, $row);
      $data = array($row);

      $ponumber = $data[0]; //$data['ponumber']; // column A
      if ($data_count < $required_data_fields) {
      $logger->info("Skipping Order Number " . $ponumber . ". Not enough data to import.");
      $shipvia = trim($data[1]); //trim($data['shipvia']); // column B
      $trackingnumber = trim($data[2]);//trim($data['trackingnumber']); // column C

      echo 'Updating Order: '.$ponumber.', with Tracking: '.$shipvia.':'.$trackingnumber.'<br />n';

      ///////////////////////////////start adding tracking///////////////////////////////

      //createShipment($ponumber, $trackingnumber); /* @param int $orderId@param | @param string $trackingNumber */

      ///////////////////////////////end of adding tracking///////////////////////////////

      }// end of while loop

      }//end of execute function

      } // end of class shipmentobject

      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
      * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      //create new class object
      $test = new ShipmentObject('','','',''); // what value to assign here?

      share|improve this question

      i am trying to get tracking from csv and load to magento 2 order programmatically.
      i grabbed the create shipment & add tracking code from here, and add an execute function (line 122) to load data from csv. but i'm not sure how to create an shipment object (line 175).

      $file = fopen('track.csv', 'r', '"'); // set path to the CSV file
      if ($file !== false)
      require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
      $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
      $objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
      $state = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');
      // add logging capability
      $writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/import-update.log');
      $logger = new ZendLogLogger();

      class ShipmentObject{
      /*There are two main functions
      prepareShipment of MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory class which prepare invoice and
      addObject of MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory class which helps to create shipment and associate the shipment with original order in Magento 2.

      * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory
      protected $_shipmentTrackFactory;

      * @var MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory
      protected $_shipmentFactory;

      * @var MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory
      protected $_transactionFactory;

      * @var MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface
      protected $_orderRepository;

      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
      * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      public function __construct(
      MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory,
      MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory,
      MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory,
      MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      ) {
      $this->_shipmentTrackFactory = $shipmentTrackFactory;
      $this->_shipmentFactory = $shipmentFactory;
      $this->_transactionFactory = $transactionFactory;
      $this->_orderRepository = $orderRepository;

      * @param int $orderId
      * @param string $trackingNumber
      * @return MagentoSalesModelShipment $shipment
      protected function createShipment($orderId, $trackingNumber)
      try {
      $order = $this->_orderRepository->get($orderId);
      if ($order){
      $data = array(array(
      'carrier_code' => $order->getShippingMethod(), //'carrier_code' => 'fedex', // need to lower case
      'title' => $order->getShippingDescription(), //'title' => 'Federal Express', // how to set here 'Federal Express' or 'United Parcel Service'
      'number' => $trackingNumber, //$trackingnumber,

      $shipment = $this->prepareShipment($order, $data);
      if ($shipment) {
      $order->addStatusHistoryComment('Automatically SHIPPED', false);
      $transactionSave = $this->_transactionFactory->create()->addObject($shipment)->addObject($shipment->getOrder());
      return $shipment;
      } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(

      * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
      * @param $track array
      * @return $this
      protected function prepareShipment($order, $track)
      $shipment = $this->_shipmentFactory->create(
      return $shipment->getTotalQty() ? $shipment->register() : false;

      * @param $order MagentoSalesModelOrder
      * @return array
      protected function prepareShipmentItems($order)
      $items = [];

      foreach($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
      $items[$item->getItemId()] = $item->getQtyOrdered();
      return $items;
      //after prepareShipmentItems function

      /*excecute function*/
      public execute()
      // enter the number of data fields you require the product row inside the CSV file to contain

      $required_data_fields = 3; //number of column in csv
      //$header = fgetcsv($file); // get data headers and skip 1st row

      while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",")) !== FALSE)
      //while ( $row = fgetcsv($file, 100, ",") )
      //while (($row = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
      $data_count = count($row);
      if ($data_count < 1) {

      $data = array();
      //$data = array_combine($header, $row);
      $data = array($row);

      $ponumber = $data[0]; //$data['ponumber']; // column A
      if ($data_count < $required_data_fields) {
      $logger->info("Skipping Order Number " . $ponumber . ". Not enough data to import.");
      $shipvia = trim($data[1]); //trim($data['shipvia']); // column B
      $trackingnumber = trim($data[2]);//trim($data['trackingnumber']); // column C

      echo 'Updating Order: '.$ponumber.', with Tracking: '.$shipvia.':'.$trackingnumber.'<br />n';

      ///////////////////////////////start adding tracking///////////////////////////////

      //createShipment($ponumber, $trackingnumber); /* @param int $orderId@param | @param string $trackingNumber */

      ///////////////////////////////end of adding tracking///////////////////////////////

      }// end of while loop

      }//end of execute function

      } // end of class shipmentobject

      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentTrackFactory $shipmentTrackFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesModelOrderShipmentFactory $shipmentFactory
      * @param MagentoFrameworkDBTransactionFactory $transactionFactory
      * @param MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository
      //create new class object
      $test = new ShipmentObject('','','',''); // what value to assign here?

      magento2 php shipment object-manager shipment-tracking

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 12 mins ago

      Kris WenKris Wen







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