External file cart empties when using browser back button The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer...

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External file cart empties when using browser back button

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InModify tax rate on cart quote items and recalculateWhen getting current cart from an external file, it's emptyMagento - Subtotal and grand total doubled in cartMagento 2.1: Invoke urlBuilder->getUrl() in a controller in a custom moduleUpdate QTY checkout cart Magento not working after update to not getting updated for second product…After rewrite MagentoCustomerModelAccountManagement giving me fatal errorMagento 2: Add a product to the cart programmaticallyWhen press browser back button cart is emptyUpdate the Price of an item when adding to the cart

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;


I have the following code in an external file(same domain) to get the current cart details, and I'm getting all details without any issues.

The problem is, when I go to the checkout page using 'Go to checkout' and press browser back button this cart gets empty. I mean only on this external file.

When I click the 'view and edit cart' and uses the browser back button the cart is fine.

Any help would be appreciated!

ini_set("display_errors", true);
ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);

require '/var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php';

$bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$app = $bootstrap->createApplication('MagentoFrameworkAppHttp');
$obj = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();

$storeManager = $obj->create("\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface");

$state = $obj->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');

// Getting the object managers dependencies
$quote = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelSession')->getQuote();
$shoppingcart = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');

$imagehelper = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogHelperImage');

// Get quote and cart items collection
$quote = $shoppingcart->getQuote();
$quoteitems = $quote->getAllItems();

// Getting cart
$cart= $shoppingcart->getCart();

// Getting the subtotal of the cart
$subtotal = number_format($quote->getBaseSubtotal(), 2);
$qty = 0;

$arrProducts = array();
$mediaurl= $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(MagentoFrameworkUrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$baseurl = $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl();

$j = 0;
foreach ($quoteitems as $item)
$arrProducts[$j]['productID'] = $item->getProductId();
$arrProducts[$j]['productName'] = $item->getName();
$arrProducts[$j]['productQty'] = $item->getQty();
$arrProducts[$j]['productPrice'] = number_format($item->getPrice(),2);

$qty += $item->getQty();

$_product = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogModelProduct')->load($item->getProductId());
$arrProducts[$j]['productUrl'] = $_product->getUrlKey();
$arrProducts[$j]['productImage'] = $mediaurl.'catalog/product'.$_product->getSmallImage();

} ?>

<div class="CustomMiniCart">
if($qty > 0 && !empty($arrProducts)){ ?>
<span class="miniCartWrap">
Cart Subtotal: <b>$<?php echo $subtotal; ?></b>
<span class="numItems"><b><?php echo count($arrProducts);?></b> Item(s) in Cart</span>
<a href="https://example.com/checkout/" class="chk">GO TO CHECKOUT</a>
foreach($arrProducts as $product){ ?>
<span class="proWrap">
<span class="left"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl'] ?>/"><img src="<?php echo $product['productImage'] ?>" /></a></span>
<span class="right"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl']?>/"><?php echo$product['productName']?></a><br><br>
<b>$<?php echo$product['productPrice']?></b><br><br>Qty: <?php echo $product['productQty']?>
<?php } ?>
<span class="viewcart"><a href="https://example.com/checkout/cart/">VIEW AND EDIT CART</a></span>
<?php }else{ ?>
<span class="emptyCart">You have no items in your shopping cart.</span>
<?php } ?>

share|improve this question


    I have the following code in an external file(same domain) to get the current cart details, and I'm getting all details without any issues.

    The problem is, when I go to the checkout page using 'Go to checkout' and press browser back button this cart gets empty. I mean only on this external file.

    When I click the 'view and edit cart' and uses the browser back button the cart is fine.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    ini_set("display_errors", true);
    ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);

    require '/var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php';

    $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
    $app = $bootstrap->createApplication('MagentoFrameworkAppHttp');
    $obj = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();

    $storeManager = $obj->create("\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface");

    $state = $obj->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');

    // Getting the object managers dependencies
    $quote = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelSession')->getQuote();
    $shoppingcart = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');

    $imagehelper = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogHelperImage');

    // Get quote and cart items collection
    $quote = $shoppingcart->getQuote();
    $quoteitems = $quote->getAllItems();

    // Getting cart
    $cart= $shoppingcart->getCart();

    // Getting the subtotal of the cart
    $subtotal = number_format($quote->getBaseSubtotal(), 2);
    $qty = 0;

    $arrProducts = array();
    $mediaurl= $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(MagentoFrameworkUrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
    $baseurl = $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl();

    $j = 0;
    foreach ($quoteitems as $item)
    $arrProducts[$j]['productID'] = $item->getProductId();
    $arrProducts[$j]['productName'] = $item->getName();
    $arrProducts[$j]['productQty'] = $item->getQty();
    $arrProducts[$j]['productPrice'] = number_format($item->getPrice(),2);

    $qty += $item->getQty();

    $_product = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogModelProduct')->load($item->getProductId());
    $arrProducts[$j]['productUrl'] = $_product->getUrlKey();
    $arrProducts[$j]['productImage'] = $mediaurl.'catalog/product'.$_product->getSmallImage();

    } ?>

    <div class="CustomMiniCart">
    if($qty > 0 && !empty($arrProducts)){ ?>
    <span class="miniCartWrap">
    Cart Subtotal: <b>$<?php echo $subtotal; ?></b>
    <span class="numItems"><b><?php echo count($arrProducts);?></b> Item(s) in Cart</span>
    <a href="https://example.com/checkout/" class="chk">GO TO CHECKOUT</a>
    foreach($arrProducts as $product){ ?>
    <span class="proWrap">
    <span class="left"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl'] ?>/"><img src="<?php echo $product['productImage'] ?>" /></a></span>
    <span class="right"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl']?>/"><?php echo$product['productName']?></a><br><br>
    <b>$<?php echo$product['productPrice']?></b><br><br>Qty: <?php echo $product['productQty']?>
    <?php } ?>
    <span class="viewcart"><a href="https://example.com/checkout/cart/">VIEW AND EDIT CART</a></span>
    <?php }else{ ?>
    <span class="emptyCart">You have no items in your shopping cart.</span>
    <?php } ?>

    share|improve this question




      I have the following code in an external file(same domain) to get the current cart details, and I'm getting all details without any issues.

      The problem is, when I go to the checkout page using 'Go to checkout' and press browser back button this cart gets empty. I mean only on this external file.

      When I click the 'view and edit cart' and uses the browser back button the cart is fine.

      Any help would be appreciated!

      ini_set("display_errors", true);
      ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);

      require '/var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php';

      $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
      $app = $bootstrap->createApplication('MagentoFrameworkAppHttp');
      $obj = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();

      $storeManager = $obj->create("\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface");

      $state = $obj->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');

      // Getting the object managers dependencies
      $quote = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelSession')->getQuote();
      $shoppingcart = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');

      $imagehelper = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogHelperImage');

      // Get quote and cart items collection
      $quote = $shoppingcart->getQuote();
      $quoteitems = $quote->getAllItems();

      // Getting cart
      $cart= $shoppingcart->getCart();

      // Getting the subtotal of the cart
      $subtotal = number_format($quote->getBaseSubtotal(), 2);
      $qty = 0;

      $arrProducts = array();
      $mediaurl= $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(MagentoFrameworkUrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
      $baseurl = $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl();

      $j = 0;
      foreach ($quoteitems as $item)
      $arrProducts[$j]['productID'] = $item->getProductId();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productName'] = $item->getName();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productQty'] = $item->getQty();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productPrice'] = number_format($item->getPrice(),2);

      $qty += $item->getQty();

      $_product = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogModelProduct')->load($item->getProductId());
      $arrProducts[$j]['productUrl'] = $_product->getUrlKey();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productImage'] = $mediaurl.'catalog/product'.$_product->getSmallImage();

      } ?>

      <div class="CustomMiniCart">
      if($qty > 0 && !empty($arrProducts)){ ?>
      <span class="miniCartWrap">
      Cart Subtotal: <b>$<?php echo $subtotal; ?></b>
      <span class="numItems"><b><?php echo count($arrProducts);?></b> Item(s) in Cart</span>
      <a href="https://example.com/checkout/" class="chk">GO TO CHECKOUT</a>
      foreach($arrProducts as $product){ ?>
      <span class="proWrap">
      <span class="left"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl'] ?>/"><img src="<?php echo $product['productImage'] ?>" /></a></span>
      <span class="right"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl']?>/"><?php echo$product['productName']?></a><br><br>
      <b>$<?php echo$product['productPrice']?></b><br><br>Qty: <?php echo $product['productQty']?>
      <?php } ?>
      <span class="viewcart"><a href="https://example.com/checkout/cart/">VIEW AND EDIT CART</a></span>
      <?php }else{ ?>
      <span class="emptyCart">You have no items in your shopping cart.</span>
      <?php } ?>

      share|improve this question

      I have the following code in an external file(same domain) to get the current cart details, and I'm getting all details without any issues.

      The problem is, when I go to the checkout page using 'Go to checkout' and press browser back button this cart gets empty. I mean only on this external file.

      When I click the 'view and edit cart' and uses the browser back button the cart is fine.

      Any help would be appreciated!

      ini_set("display_errors", true);
      ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);

      require '/var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php';

      $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
      $app = $bootstrap->createApplication('MagentoFrameworkAppHttp');
      $obj = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();

      $storeManager = $obj->create("\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface");

      $state = $obj->get('MagentoFrameworkAppState');

      // Getting the object managers dependencies
      $quote = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelSession')->getQuote();
      $shoppingcart = $obj->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');

      $imagehelper = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogHelperImage');

      // Get quote and cart items collection
      $quote = $shoppingcart->getQuote();
      $quoteitems = $quote->getAllItems();

      // Getting cart
      $cart= $shoppingcart->getCart();

      // Getting the subtotal of the cart
      $subtotal = number_format($quote->getBaseSubtotal(), 2);
      $qty = 0;

      $arrProducts = array();
      $mediaurl= $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(MagentoFrameworkUrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
      $baseurl = $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl();

      $j = 0;
      foreach ($quoteitems as $item)
      $arrProducts[$j]['productID'] = $item->getProductId();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productName'] = $item->getName();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productQty'] = $item->getQty();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productPrice'] = number_format($item->getPrice(),2);

      $qty += $item->getQty();

      $_product = $obj->get('MagentoCatalogModelProduct')->load($item->getProductId());
      $arrProducts[$j]['productUrl'] = $_product->getUrlKey();
      $arrProducts[$j]['productImage'] = $mediaurl.'catalog/product'.$_product->getSmallImage();

      } ?>

      <div class="CustomMiniCart">
      if($qty > 0 && !empty($arrProducts)){ ?>
      <span class="miniCartWrap">
      Cart Subtotal: <b>$<?php echo $subtotal; ?></b>
      <span class="numItems"><b><?php echo count($arrProducts);?></b> Item(s) in Cart</span>
      <a href="https://example.com/checkout/" class="chk">GO TO CHECKOUT</a>
      foreach($arrProducts as $product){ ?>
      <span class="proWrap">
      <span class="left"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl'] ?>/"><img src="<?php echo $product['productImage'] ?>" /></a></span>
      <span class="right"><a href="https://example.com/<?php echo $product['productUrl']?>/"><?php echo$product['productName']?></a><br><br>
      <b>$<?php echo$product['productPrice']?></b><br><br>Qty: <?php echo $product['productQty']?>
      <?php } ?>
      <span class="viewcart"><a href="https://example.com/checkout/cart/">VIEW AND EDIT CART</a></span>
      <?php }else{ ?>
      <span class="emptyCart">You have no items in your shopping cart.</span>
      <?php } ?>

      magento-2.1 checkout cart

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 11 mins ago








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