童話小鎮 (第六季)...



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童话镇 第六季
Once Upon a Time Season 6

Once Upon a Time, season 6 宣傳海報 art.jpg
2016年9月25日 (2016-09-25)-2017年5月14日 (2017-05-14)




童话镇第六季,美国超自然电视剧,於2016年3月3日 (2016-03-03)宣布續訂,並於2016年9月25日 (2016-09-25)回歸。

本季引進全新人物,包含阿拉丁、賈方、茉莉公主、摩耳甫斯、爱德蒙·唐泰斯、尼莫船長英语Captain Nemo等人物。在劇情的邊台上,回復前兩季的模式,全季故事主軸劇情連貫。

本季於2017年3月5日 (2017-03-05)結束冬歇,播出本季第11集。本季播畢後,艾瑪的故事亦告一段落,第7季將為全新的篇章。


  • 1 演員陣容

    • 1.1 主要角色

    • 1.2 常駐角色

    • 1.3 來賓

  • 2 集數列表

  • 3 參考文獻

  • 4 外部連結



  • 吉妮佛·古德溫 as 白雪公主 / 瑪莉·瑪格麗特·布蘭察德[1][2]

  • 詹妮弗·莫里森 as 艾玛·斯旺[2][3]

  • 拉娜·帕瑞拉 as 邪惡的皇后 / 蕾吉娜·米爾斯[4][5]

  • 喬許·達拉斯 as 白馬王子 / 大卫·诺兰[1][6]

  • 艾蜜莉·迪瑞文 as 貝兒[7]

  • 科林·奧多霍諾 as 基利安·“虎克”·瓊斯船長[3][8]

  • 傑瑞德·吉爾摩爾 as 亨利·米爾斯[9]

  • 瑞貝卡·馬德 as 西方女巫 / 瑟琳娜[10]

  • 羅勃·卡萊爾 as 朗普斯金 / 古德先生[11]


  • 贝薇莉·埃利奥特英语Beverley Elliott as 寡婦盧卡斯 / 外婆[12]

  • 拉斐爾·斯巴格 as 蟋蟀吉明尼 / 亞齊·霍伯醫生[13]

  • 李·阿伦伯格英语Lee Arenberg as 愛生氣 / 勒罗伊[14]

  • 大衛·阿瓦隆英语David Paul Grove as 萬事通[15]

  • Gabe Khouth英语Gabe Khouth as 噴嚏精 / 克拉克先生[16]

  • Faustino Di Bauda as 瞌睡蟲 / 沃爾特[17]

  • Mig Macario as 害羞鬼[17]

  • Geoff Gustafson as 鬼鬼祟祟[17]

  • 托尼·安曼多拉英语Tony Amendola as 傑佩托先生 / 马尔科[18]

  • 琪肯·康納·崔西英语Keegan Connor Tracy as the 藍仙女 / 女修道院院長[19]

  • 伊昂·拜利 as 皮諾丘 / 奧古斯特·布斯[20]

  • 大衛·安德斯 as 維克多·弗蘭肯斯坦醫生 / 威爾醫生[21]

  • 潔西·斯克拉姆 as 灰姑娘 / 阿什利·博伊德[22]

  • 蒂姆·菲利浦斯英语Tim Phillipps as 托馬斯王子 / 肖恩·赫爾曼[23]

  • 蓋柏愛拉・羅絲英语Gabrielle Rose (actress) as 露絲[24]

  • 阿蘭·戴爾 as 喬治國王 / 阿爾伯特·斯賓塞[25]

  • 潔咪·莫瑞 as 菲安娜 / 黑仙子[26]

  • 吉爾斯·馬西 as 基甸 / 摩耳甫斯[27]

  • 肖恩·馬奎爾 as 羅賓漢[28]

  • 托尼·佩雷斯英语Tony Perez (actor) as 亨利王子[29]

  • 蘿絲·麥可佛 as 小叮噹(奇妙仙子)[30]

  • 喬安娜·加西亞 as 愛麗兒[31]

  • 吉爾·麥金尼英语Gil McKinney as 亞力克王子[32]

  • 吉安卡洛·伊坡托 as 魔鏡 / 西德尼·葛拉斯[33]

  • 克里斯·高瑟英语Chris Gauthier as 史密先生[33]

  • 漢克·哈里斯英语Hank Harris as 傑奇醫生[34]

  • 薩謬埃爾·威特沃 as 海德先生[34]

  • 德尼茲·阿克登尼基英语Deniz Akdeniz as 阿拉丁[35]

  • 凱倫·大衛英语Karen David as 茉莉公主[36]

  • Olivia Steele Falconer as Violet[16]

  • 马志 as 龍[37][16]

  • 蓋柏愛拉・羅絲英语Gabrielle Rose (actress) as 路得[24]

  • Sara Tomko as 老虎莉莉[38]

  • 韋爾·特拉弗爾英语Wil Traval as 諾丁漢警長英语Sheriff of Nottingham[39]


  • 歐迪·費爾 as 巫師賈方[35]

  • Tarun Keram as 埃米爾[14]

  • Jordyn Ashley Olson as 預言者[14]

  • 克雷格·霍納英语Craig Horner as 基度山伯爵[40]

  • Andrea Brooks as 夏洛特[41]

  • 安德魯·卡瓦達斯英语Andrew Kavadas as 騰格拉爾男爵[41]

  • 麗莎·巴內斯英语Lisa Banes as 崔緬因夫人 / 繼母[42]

  • 梅卡娜·梅爾文英语Mekenna Melvin as 克洛琳達·崔緬因[42]

  • Goldie Hoffman as 提斯碧·崔緬因[42]

  • Max Lloyd-Jones as 雅各布斯[42]

  • 傑洛·約瑟夫 as 葛斯 / 比利[42]

  • 強納森・科恩英语Jonny Coyne as 亞瑟・利德蓋特醫生[43]

  • 伊麗莎白·布萊克莫爾英语Elizabeth Blackmore as 瑪麗·賴德蓋特英语Mary Reilly (novel)[15]

  • Reilly Jacob as 湯姆·索亞[15]

  • Cedric De Souza as Sultan[44]

  • Kate Dion-Richard as 歌蒂拉英语Goldilocks and the Three Bears [44]

  • 法倫・泰賀英语Faran Tahir as 尼莫船长英语Captain Nemo[45]

  • 尼克·埃維斯曼 as 大副[46]

  • Corey Schmitt as 船副[46]


112 1 The Savior Eagle Egilsson
爱德华·基迪斯英语Edward Kitsis & 亚当·霍洛维茨英语Adam Horowitz (screenwriter)
2016年9月25日 (2016-09-25)
601 3.99[47]
113 2 A Bitter Draught 羅恩·安德伍德英语Ron Underwood
安德魯·錢布利斯英语Andrew Chambliss & Dana Horgan
2016年10月2日 (2016-10-02)
602 3.72[48]
114 3 The Other Shoe 史蒂夫·皮爾曼英语Steve Pearlman
簡·埃斯本森英语Jane Espenson & 杰羅姆·施瓦茨英语Jerome Schwartz
2016年10月9日 (2016-10-09)
603 4.11[49]
115 4 Strange Case 艾乐力克·萊利英语Alrick Riley
大衛·H·古德曼英语David H. Goodman & Nelson Soler
2016年10月16日 (2016-10-16)
604 3.53[50]
116 5 Street Rats 諾曼·伯克利英语Norman Buckley 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2016年10月23日 (2016-10-23)
605 3.40[51]
117 6 Dark Waters Robert Duncan 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2016年10月30日 (2016-10-30)
606 3.06[52]
118 7 Heartless 拉尔夫·海梅克英语Ralph Hemecker 簡·埃斯本森 2016年11月6日 (2016-11-06)
607 3.56[53]
119 8 I'll Be Your Mirror 珍妮弗·林奇英语Jennifer Lynch 杰羅姆·施瓦茨 & Leah Fong 2016年11月13日 (2016-11-13)
608 3.40[54]
120 9 Changelings 梅爾西·阿爾馬斯 大衛·H·古德曼 & Brian Ridings 2016年11月27日 (2016-11-27)
609 3.28[55]
121 10 Wish You Were Here 羅恩·安德伍德 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2016年12月4日 (2016-12-04)
610 3.27[56]
122 11 Tougher Than the Rest 比利·迪爾哈英语Billy Gierhart 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2017年3月5日 (2017-03-05)
611 3.03[57]
123 12 Murder Most Foul 摩根·貝格斯英语Morgan Beggs 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2017年3月12日 (2017-03-12)
612 3.06[58]
124 13 Ill-Boding Patterns 羅恩·安德伍德 安德魯·錢布利斯 & Dana Horgan 2017年3月19日 (2017-03-19)
613 2.71[59]
125 14 Page 23 凱特·伍茲英语Kate Woods 大衛·H·古德曼 & Brigitte Hales 2017年3月26日 (2017-03-26)
614 2.85[60]
126 15 A Wondrous Place 史蒂夫·皮爾曼 簡·埃斯本森 & 杰羅姆·施瓦茨 2017年4月2日 (2017-04-02)
615 2.80[61]
127 16 Mother's Little Helper 比利·迪爾哈 爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2017年4月9日 (2017-04-09)
616 2.60[62]
128 17 Awake 莎拉特·拉朱英语Sharat Raju 安德魯·錢布利斯 & Leah Fong 2017年4月16日 (2017-04-16)
617 2.51[63]
129 18 Where Bluebirds Fly 迈克尔·舒尔茨英语Michael Schultz 大衛·H·古德曼 & Brigitte Hales 2017年4月23日 (2017-04-23)
618 2.69[64]
130 19 The Black Fairy 艾乐力克·萊利 杰羅姆·施瓦茨 & Dana Horgan 2017年4月30日 (2017-04-30)
619 3.05[65]
131 20 The Song in Your Heart 羅恩·安德伍德 大衛·H·古德曼 & 安德魯·錢布利斯 2017年5月7日 (2017-05-07)
620 2.87[66]
The Final Battle 史蒂夫·皮爾曼
爱德华·基迪斯 & 亚当·霍洛维茨 2017年5月14日 (2017-05-14)


  1. ^ 1.01.1 Katya [@IdkiloveMinaj]. @AdamHorowitzLA Josh and Ginny ARE in season 6 right? (推文). July 6, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

    Adam Horowitz [@AdamHorowitzLA]. @IdkiloveMinaj if they're not, not sure what they're doing in Vancouver. (推文). July 6, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  2. ^ 2.02.1 OUaT Tweets [@OnceUponATimeKw]. Yellow Love Hearts (推文). July 14, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  3. ^ 3.03.1 Adam Horowitz [@AdamHorowitzLA]. @Pirate_Mia I hope you enjoy what we have in store for Hook and Emma next season! (推文). May 29, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  4. ^ Lana Parrilla [@LanaParrilla]. .#OnceUponATime fans today in Steveston aka Storybrooke! Thank you for your loving support! See you in S6! @OnceABC (推文). March 30, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  5. ^ resent [@cresnotcresc]. Lana and Jen on set, 12th July, #SwanQueen (推文). July 13, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  6. ^ Canadagraphs [@canadagraphs]. #OnceUponATime stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas on set together today in Steveston (推文). July 13, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  7. ^ Instagram. Instagram. 

  8. ^ Canadagraphs [@canadagraphs]. Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue dressed as Emma and Hook on set today #OnceUponATime #CaptainSwan (推文). July 13, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  9. ^ Jared Gilmore [@Jared_Gilmore]. You guys are so awesome! Thank you for all your questions tonight. I can't wait to start on season 6 soon (推文). May 16, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  10. ^ Courtney Ann Thieman [@courtneyann2009]. @bexmader ready for next season #OnceUponATime ? (推文). May 16, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

    Rebecca Mader [@bexmader]. Yep!💚👏🏻 (推文). May 16, 2016 –通过Twitter. 

  11. ^ E.T. E.T. 

  12. ^ https://twitter.com/yvrshoots/status/753412882461667328

  13. ^ Once Upon a Time's Archie Hopper to Return — But Who Is His Patient?. TVLine. July 5, 2016. 

  14. ^ The Savior. The Futon Critic. [September 7, 2016]. 

  15. ^ (#604) "Strange Case". The Futon Critic. [October 11, 2016]. 

  16. ^ (#608) "I'll Be Your Mirror". The Futon Critic. [November 7, 2016]. 

  17. ^ (#610) "Wish You Were Here". The Futon Critic. [November 29, 2016]. 

  18. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once Upon a Time, Arrow, Riverdale, and more. Entertainment Weekly. March 17, 2017. 

  19. ^ (#607) "Heartless". The Futon Critic. [November 1, 2016]. 

  20. ^ Aguilera, Leanne. EXCLUSIVE! 'Once Upon a Time' Scoop: Eion Bailey Will Return as Pinocchio to 'Save the Day'. Entertainment Tonight. October 12, 2016. 

  21. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: David Anders returning in season 6 — exclusive. Entertainment Weekly. August 5, 2016 [August 5, 2016]. 

  22. ^ Mitovich, Matt. Once Upon a Time: Cinderella Returns — To Explore Two Past Connections. TVLine. July 20, 2016 [July 20, 2016]. 

  23. ^ Lauren Clift account, Twitter, August 3, 2016

  24. ^ 24.024.1 Gelman, Vlada. TVLine Items: Once Mom Returns, Odd Renewal, Legends Poster and More. TV Line. September 22, 2016. 

  25. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: Alan Dale books return trip — exclusive. TV Line. November 1, 2016. 

  26. ^ Mitovich, Matt Webb. Once Upon a Time: Yep, Defiance's Jaime Murray Is Playing [Spoiler]. TV Line. November 15, 2016 [November 15, 2016]. 

  27. ^ Abrams, Natalie; Slead, Evan. Once Upon a Time casts 24 star as Morpheus — exclusive. Entertainment Weekly]]. July 15, 2016 [July 15, 2016]. 

  28. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: Sean Maguire returning as Robin Hood — exclusive. TV Line. September 27, 2016. 

  29. ^ (#614) "Page 23". The Futon Critic. [March 20, 2017]. 

  30. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: Rose McIver books Tinker Bell return. Entertainment Weekly. January 9, 2017. 

  31. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: Ariel returns for princess team-up!. Entertainment Weekly. January 6, 2017. 

  32. ^ Gil McKinney [@GilMcKinney]. Thrilled to be back on an incredible show. Thanks @AdamHorowitzLA (推文). January 7, 2017 [February 24, 2017] –通过Twitter. 

  33. ^ 33.033.1 (#620) "The Song in Your Heart". The Futon Critic. [May 1, 2017]. 

  34. ^ 34.034.1 Once Upon a Time Finale: New Fairytale Characters Arrive & A Familiar Face Returns - E! News. E! Online. 15 May 2016. 

  35. ^ 35.035.1 Mitovich, Matt Webb. Once Upon a Time Reveals Aladdin Storyline, Casts Oded Fehr as Jafar. TV Line. July 23, 2016 [July 23, 2016]. 

  36. ^ Abrams, Natalie; Slead, Evan. Once Upon a Time casts Galavant star as Princess Jasmine. Entertainment Weekly. July 23, 2016 [July 23, 2016]. 

  37. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time: The Dragon returns in season 6. Entertainment Weekly. September 22, 2016. 

  38. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Spoiler Room: Scoop on Timeless, Blacklist, Once Upon a Time and more. Entertainment Weekly. January 20, 2017. 

  39. ^ Traval, Wil. Here he comes! #ouat #sheriffofnottingham #onceuponatime #badguy #abc. Twitter. October 18, 2016. 

  40. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time books Legend of the Seeker star — exclusive. Entertainment Weekly. July 20, 2016 [July 20, 2016]. 

  41. ^ 41.041.1 (#602) "A Bitter Draught". The Futon Critic. [September 27, 2016]. 

  42. ^ (#603) "The Other Shoe". The Futon Critic. [October 3, 2016]. 

  43. ^ Mitovich, Matt Webb; Roots, Kimberly. TVLine Items: Wonderland Doc on Once, Sleepy Premiere Reveal and More. TV Line. August 15, 2016 [August 15, 2016]. 

  44. ^ 44.044.1 (#605) "Street Rats (FKA Diamond in the Rough)". The Futon Critic. [October 18, 2016]. 

  45. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Once Upon a Time casts Captain Nemo — exclusive. Entertainment Weekly. August 26, 2016 [August 26, 2016]. 

  46. ^ 46.046.1 (#606) "Dark Waters". The Futon Critic. [October 24, 2016]. 

  47. ^ Porter, Rick. Sunday final ratings: 'Once Upon a Time' and 'NCIS: LA' adjust up, FOX shows adjust down. TV by the Numbers. September 27, 2016 [September 27, 2016]. 

  48. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Family Guy’ adjusts up, final NFL numbers: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. October 4, 2016 [October 4, 2016]. 

  49. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Once Upon a Time’ adjusts down, final NFL numbers: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. October 11, 2016 [October 11, 2016]. 

  50. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘NCIS: LA’ adjusts up, ‘Simpsons’ adjusts down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. October 18, 2016 [October 18, 2016]. 

  51. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Bob’s Burgers’ and ‘The Simpsons’ adjust down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. October 25, 2016 [October 25, 2016]. 

  52. ^ Porter, Rick. Series lows for ‘Once Upon a Time,’ ‘Madam Secretary’ and more: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. November 1, 2016 [November 1, 2016]. 

  53. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘NCIS: LA’ and ‘Madam Secretary’ adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. November 8, 2016 [November 8, 2016]. 

  54. ^ Porter, Rick. ’60 Minutes’ adjusts up, ‘NCIS: LA’ and ‘Madam Secretary’ adjust down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. November 15, 2016 [November 15, 2016]. 

  55. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘NCIS: Los Angeles,’ ‘Madam Secretary’ and ’60 Minutes’ adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. November 30, 2016 [November 30, 2016]. 

  56. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos’ adjusts up, ’60 Minutes’ adjusts down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. December 6, 2016 [December 6, 2016]. 

  57. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘NCIS: LA’ and ‘Time After Time’ adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. March 7, 2017 [March 7, 2017]. 

  58. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘American Crime’ premieres low, ‘Chicago Justice’ fairly steady: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. March 16, 2017 [March 16, 2017]. 

  59. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Little Big Shots' adjusts up, 'NCIS: LA' adjusts down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. March 21, 2017 [March 21, 2017]. 

  60. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Family Guy' and 'America’s Funniest Home Videos' adjust down: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. March 28, 2017 [March 28, 2017]. 

  61. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Little Big Shots' adjusts up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. April 4, 2017 [April 4, 2017]. 

  62. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Chicago Justice,' 'Madam Secretary' and '60 Minutes' adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. April 11, 2017 [April 11, 2017]. 

  63. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Elementary,' 'Shades of Blue' and others unchanged: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. April 18, 2017 [April 18, 2017]. 

  64. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Little Big Shots,' 'Bob's Burgers,' 'Last Man on Earth,' 'AFV' all adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. April 25, 2017 [April 25, 2017]. 

  65. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Chicago Justice,' 'America's Funniest Home Videos' adjust up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. May 2, 2017 [May 2, 2017]. 

  66. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘The Simpsons’, ‘NCIS: LA’ and other originals unchanged: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. May 9, 2017 [May 9, 2017]. 

  67. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ finale adjusts up: Sunday final ratings. TV by the Numbers. May 16, 2017 [May 16, 2017]. 


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